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Topics - Andy Edwards

....another Andy Edwards album comes along!

SODIUM by Andy Edwards

Some of you here may remember I released an email only album in 2008 called 'Progressive' which featured some material I intended for release on an album which I wanted to call 'Sodium'

Now, finally, I have managed to get all the material together for this album and get this up on Bandcamp

It features a really incredible keyboardist called Dave Woodhouse who played with Quantic and sadly died in 2010. Check him out on the tracks 'Sodium' and 'Ridiculous Grasp' and you will see what a mega-talent he was.

I have been using bandcamp to release a load of recordings I have made over the last 10-15 years and I have enjoyed the process very much. At the moment I'm working on a major Prog release which will be properly recorded and feature some amazing Prog musicians, but it is interesting to be able to also release stuff like this, stuff that a Prog label would never touch.
I deliberately put difficult material up on bandcamp, it seems a conducive place for such stuff. I was talking today to a friend who has released very commercial stuff on bandcamp and sold nothing and he was surprised that people were listening to my difficult music and not his. That's quite exciting, isn't it?

I was also interested to read the 'Good old days' thread. As I am no longer a member of Frost I can offer no opinion about this but I like the discussion about releasing material bit by bit.
Do we need to release albums anymore? I think it's better to release a track at a time. Do we need to have bands? The Internet makes it so easy to collaborate why would you want tie yourself down to one set of musicians?
I think also now we can see that the fans own a part of the band as well as the band itself. This forum is evidence of that. By getting out there and promoting bands you like you actually play a massive part in the development of a band.

So please have a listen to my album, and if you like it tell your friends!

All the best


Ps. Looking forward to seeing some of you on Sunday.
Frost* / Jem, Andy, and August 10th...
July 30, 2014, 10:19:20 AM
Hi frosties....

As there are some people out there that have never heard of Frost I have decided as a run up to Jem and my reunion gig to put some frost tracks up on my facebook page with a bit of chat behind each track.
As this might be of interest to some of you guys here is the link to my page....

It would be great if you could spread the word about this gig too, I think there are some Frost fans who would like to come who still don't know about it.
For those of you still in two minds about going here are some things to consider...

1) this is the first time Jem and I have played together for half a decade
2) you will get to see us improvising, in other words, the inner workings of how all those songs first came about
3) you will see Jim's debut on Chapman stick!
4) the venue is tiny and very intimate so it will almost impossible not to come up and say hello and we would love to see you will....

Spread the word Frosties!
Yes, I'm playing with the astonishing Steve Lawson and of course, Jem Godfrey (or, as David Coverdale insisted on once calling him, simply 'J', as I will form now on.)

'J' will be also debuting his new set up which I'm looking forward to very much, as it will the first time we get to see 'J' playing Chapman Stick, which, I believe, 'J' was born to play.

Tickets will be available very soon from

So if you want to see us three up very close and personal get yourself down to The Tower of Song in Birmingham on the 10th of August for evening of improvised mayhem.

Any questions.......?
Hi Frosties.

I'm doing a gig with the solo bass virtuoso, Steve Lawson and Julie Slick, bassist from Adrian Belew's band and The Crimson Project.

More details here...

We are doing an improvised set, using a lot of processing and effects. The gig will be recorded and we are hopefully planning to release some more material featuring this group. I'm also planning doing something a lot more proggy with Julie later this year but more about that later...

All the best TBE

Please come down and say hello.
Frost* / Hello from TBE
March 31, 2014, 08:33:34 PM
Hi Folks, hope everyone is well!
After five years!!! away from Frost I am very excited to be involved in Clouda with the genius that is JEM G and I thought it would be nice to let you know what I've been up to.

After the Dream Theater dates my daughter was born and with that and my new job running the music performance course at Kidderminster College I decided to 'retire' from music making. (Another little girl followed in 2011)

In 2012 Rob Reed asked me to play on the 'The 27 Club' and I was so pleased with how that album turned out I have suddenly found myself back playing and again. This year I have already recorded stuff for Jem's latest as well as another album due out later this year. I'm playing and recording this week with Julie Slick from The Crimson Project and the incredible Steve Lawson.
I have another Prog project in the works too.

I have set a new website which has tons of stuff up, a facebook like page and I have recently set up a bandcamp where I'm putting up some of the more experimental stuff I have done over the years. I have put up my first solo album which contains some incredibly complex and dense music and another free EP of ambient a drum grooves.

If any of this interests you please here are the links...


Facebook like page


I'm still very proud of Frost, there is no other band like it! hello to Jem, John, Nathan and my old mate Craig Blundell, I wish all the best, and all the best to everyone here.

Andy T. B. Edwards