Tiger Moth Tales! The Website is here!

Started by tigermoth, June 13, 2014, 03:50:42 PM

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Excitement now reaching dangerous levels as I can now proudly anounce that my brand new website TigerMothTales.com is finally here: http://tigermothtales.com/
Here you can read all about the TMT debut album "Cocoon" and hear audio samples along with my audio descriptions. Please please check it out. Witenight records are currently aiming for sometime in July for a release, but as we all know ""Anything that happens, happens.
Anything that, in happening, causes something else to happen, causes something else to happen.
Anything that, in happening, causes itself to happen again, happens again."
But here's hoping. In the meantime please enjoy the site. Also coming soon will be Tiger Moth Tales Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud, Youtube etc. I feel I ought to say woo hoo or something! Thanks alot folks!



Quote from: tigermoth on June 13, 2014, 03:50:42 PM
Also coming soon will be Tiger Moth Tales Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud, Youtube etc.
Hopefully also coming soon is the TMT album! Can I pay you for it now?


I used to have a signature


Some of the narration seems to be missing..........................or is incredibly short
I used to have a signature


"Amazing story, I feel guilty"
Pourquoi? :) Is there narration missing? I'll have to check all the audio described tracks. I suppose it was too much to expect that there would be no teething troubles. :) Thanks everyone. If there are any probs with it i'll sort them asap. Regarding a release date we are all in the hands of Rob; and Will of course. I'll be in touch with him this week and see if there's any news. Thank you all for your inthusiasm its wonderful. :)


The audio described links eventually worked for me, although they seem to take a lot longer to load up than the straight samples, but apart from that the website looks really fantastic. I'd go as far as saying that it even puts a lot of more established band's sites to shame, it is really professional and highly useable. Win! :D


Note to self........................be more patient :-[
I used to have a signature


Thanks chaps. That's really great to hear, especially as being blind I have to go by what everyone else says regarding the look of the thing. The chap I use is really creative and he loves the album so he's been quite painstaking over the thing. This has unfortunately meant that it took longer than I anticipated, but by the sound of it its worth it.  I've more stuff to put on there, but he's away for a couple of weeks. Also probably best to hold something back I guess.

Just something that occurred to me, I read somewhere that when doing a "press kit" it's a good idea to get your album reviewed. Not quite sure about this as presumably you have to send a press kit out to a potensial reviewer in order for them to review it. Also you have to hope they do a good review or else it ain't worth it. Just wondered if anyone has had any experience of this sort of thing and got any ideas. Obviously I'm guessing Whitenight will help a lot with this and I'm sure they know their onions, but just wondered if anyone had any ideas in general. Always good to get as many opineons as possible what? :) I know I keep saying it but I really appreciate all the feedback here, especially as it's all good. :) Good heavens just read that back. My spilling is torrible.


Probably a stupid question but how did you learn to play? Had you started pre blindness? And although I can just about imagine you doing that on a keyboard, or whatever, knob twiddling/sound sculpting or whatever must be a nightmare? Have to say it makes me even more impressed (which sounds patronising but isn't, honest)


Quote from: owen on June 17, 2014, 09:49:32 AM
Had you started pre blindness?
You need visit the website  :)

Hence my feeling guilty comment about my inability to play anything but a few chords
I used to have a signature


I've been blind since I was 15 months old, so never really known different. I started playing piano when I was about 4. It just seemed to come naturally and I've always learned by ear. I suppose the younger you start the quicker it goes in. And as with touch typing, you shouldn't really be looking at the keys. That's just something I've had no choice over. :)
As for using keyboards, mixers, processors and such, well again I've been doing it along time, and to be honest the more knobs the better cos that usually means that one knob does one thing. These days everything is so menu driven and that makes things harder. A lot of times its a memory test to try and remember what order things are in the menus and how many clicks to go down or up to find the option I want. Although technology with computers and screen readers has come on in leaps and bounds so that's a good thing. These days I enjoy the creative process more than the mixing down, but as I'm such a bleedin control freek in the studio I just have to get on with it. Haha


Afternoon! Just thought I'd let folks know that as well as the lovely website, I now have facebook,



And Soundcloud!


Next stop, Youtube. I'm looking in to getting a couple of vids done. Stil no definite release date unfortunately, but Rob assures me that it will happen. In the meantime feel free to browse the site and listen to me rambling on, and I thank you all for your patients. :)


All social media appropriately clicked!

(and I fixed your sound cloud link.  ;) )


Ah, thank you. I didn't realise it was dodgy. Some of this is a bit new to me so I'm sorry if there's the odd cock up. :)