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Messages - Simon B

Any Other Business / Re: Simon B - Get well soon.
November 10, 2011, 11:15:09 AM
Hahahaha.  :D Thanks everybody (Mark in particular!). Heart Attacks are scary stuff. back home now, mild furring of the left artery (after angiogram), missed Yes in Sheffield yesterday. GOING TO SEE YES IN MANCHESTER ON SUNDAY!!!!!!!

Not even a heart attack keeps me away from PROG!!

Get your cholesterol checked - you too JemMeister!!
Frost* / Re: Hello
October 06, 2011, 01:18:17 PM
What have I missed?  :lol:
I too am not here...
Hippy Birthday Mr M!
Gigs / Re: Gigs in 2011
February 04, 2011, 10:08:32 AM
Saw Peter Kay last night

Journey, Foreigner, Styx
Ian Anderson (solo, front row centre)
YES!!!! (twice) Coming up this year

Oh yeah Boyzone next month (partners Christmas present!)
Any Other Business / Re: Postcount
January 13, 2011, 10:32:37 AM
That explains my soggy bit left at the bottom of the cup status then!

....and now I'm Rich Tea again! Praise the Gods of Prog!
Announcements / Re: Frost* Derby DVD - PLEASE READ!
January 12, 2011, 04:28:45 PM
Quote from: "Nellie"Hopefully, there will still be quite a lot of footage from the Derby gig included.

Mmmmm Nellie biscuits!

I have already posted on BookFace.

Now go off and rest before producing a DVD to be proud of!

You may all be aware I'm a bit of a Yes FANATIC.

This type of thing is part of a bands evolution - So many Yestastic shows on the cutting room floor...

So long as Joey and I can point at a crowd scene somewhere and go - 'There I am!' I will be happy.

Perhaps the promised credits on the Live DVD should now be posted with some due reverence? To the music of the dambusters '...never in the course of prog has so much been given by so few. We now list the 162 brave souls who fought hypothermia and student attack to look stoopid on a DVD. We thank you all!'

...and so 2011 is born!  :arrow: Bring it on!
Announcements / Merry Christmas and a Hippy New Year
December 21, 2010, 02:44:29 PM
Couldn't find this anywhere else - so Compliments of the Season to all Frost*ies!
I was 5 rows back (Steve Howe side) in Nottingham. Didn't get Gates of Delirium though, which is worth the cost of the DVD alone!

They start with Close to the Edge for Gawds sake!!
Any Other Business / Re: 12 Days of ProgMas
December 17, 2010, 11:31:12 AM
No Ladies Dancing!
Frost* / Re: BLM tour merchandise
December 15, 2010, 09:48:58 AM
Off to the shop then! Ta Nellie!
Any Other Business / Re: Biffy Clyro for Xmas No.1
December 14, 2010, 02:22:19 PM
'Don't want no top twenty funeral...'
Friends Of Frost* / Re: Alright chaps and ladychaps
December 14, 2010, 02:20:21 PM
Pip pip!

There are pictures of your hat (with head in it) on this site...
The problem with versions of FFFTCM was with the estate of the writer - they wanted a cut (on a free CD) and their solicitors got arsey - ELP already paid for the rights and the estate still get royalties (I think?).

Christina is fantastic!