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Messages - Radtoy

Ask Frost* / TPE? (or Tipi?)
September 23, 2009, 03:28:53 AM

Was at RoSFest (have the live CD and the two studio albums (and a copy of Milliontown Promo). Met you all after the show which was most excellent and the reason I went to RoSFest in the first place.

So, is TPE going to be a more official release of the show or are you just going to make a traditional american indian tent?? Sorry, but I have been out of touch with reality lately.  ;)
Other Bands / Re: Other bands
November 09, 2008, 05:25:52 AM
There are also broadcast frequency bands.
Usually FM style ones are horrific though - I usually avoid them.
Other Bands / Re: Other bands
November 09, 2008, 05:23:34 AM
Garageband? I've been using Cubase though...
Ask Frost* / Re: Shop problems
November 08, 2008, 08:08:13 PM
I had been having problems ordering too - using IE 7.0.6001.18000. It would get to paypal and give me an error. I don't know if it is fixed now, but the only thing I did differently was to NOT add a comment before preceeding to the paypal page.

I was able to finally (about 20 minutes ago) get my order in after at least 8 attempts.

Your silly attempt to thwart United Statesians (People from the United States of North America) from obtaining the highest quality music has FAILED!  :P
Frost* / Re: THE NEW SHOP
November 08, 2008, 08:00:27 PM
I'd just like to say that I was maybe the first person to TRY to use the shop. After two days I was finally able to place my order!  :D  I purchased the autographed copies and each of the limited colored releases!

Now for the wait... I am on the other side of the lake/pond/ocean.
Friends Of Frost* / Re: Plates
November 08, 2008, 07:53:43 PM
Is there a way to translate British English into US English? I am reading these posts and wondering if there is a language gap or if I need to kick my humor level up a couple of notches...  ;)