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Messages - Dena

Quote from: "johninblack"Only the very best  of people are born on November 15th!

I completely agree....  ;)
Ah, thank you for the kind wishes!

I've been lucky enough to have been given a cake, but I shall consume mine with champagne this year, I think (any excuse, hic!).
Frost* / Re: Fogey's Big Banana World Tour - Sign-Up List
November 02, 2012, 02:52:00 PM
Yes, this was my grand master plan for the banana* upon its arival to Reading (prog capital of the UK).

I popped back to JM's house after the drum clinic, along with Blunders, and I can definitely confirm that both of them signed said banana* in JM's kitchen.

It's onto Mike in Welsh Wales next...  :)
Just a quick update for you.

The banana* is currently with DueyC all ready for a jaunt to the south coast with a few bods this weekend.  I'll then get it back from her next week for a few photos (hopefully) with a couple of faces that you may find familiar....  ;)
I am pleased to report that the Banana* has landed in the Prog Capital of the UK, at Chez Dena!

I've got a couple of ideas on the go as regards pictures, but it may take a few weeks or so to arrange, so please bear with me. As soon as I get some photo opportunities I'll post the results up here.  :)
PM received and replied to. I think you probably all know where I'm likely to take the Banana* for the photo shoot...!  :lol:
Gigs / Re: Frost*Bites 16th December 2012
September 17, 2012, 09:58:39 AM
Frost* / Re: house afraid of summer
August 16, 2012, 03:24:12 PM
Ooh, thanks! I'll check it out a bit more when I get home.  :D
Frost* / Re: house afraid of summer
August 16, 2012, 01:03:49 PM
Does anyone know where I can get any more of these toys?  I've got a CD with some tracks on and have trawled the links on this forum, but a lot of the links aren't active any more.
Frost* / Blunders
July 13, 2012, 08:44:36 PM
Those of you on Twitter or who subscribe to Craig's site may have noticed that he's been a little bit quiet recently.

Unfortunately he's not a well Blunders at the moment. He's currently in hospital and will be undergoing a few ops over the coming weeks. He had an op this morning but is recovering as I type.

He's asked me to pop a quick update here as he's conscious that Frost* fans are getting in touch with him via his site, and that he's unable to reply at the moment. He's said that he'll respond as soon as he can, but it's just not possible right now.  However, he's said that he'll be out of hospital between ops, so I'm sure he'll be able to properly catch up with all things t'internet when he's not laid up.

I've suggested getting a drum kit built around his hospital bed, ;) but here's hoping he takes it easy and is back to full fighting fitness soon. In the meantime, it would be great if #badgagfriday on Twitter could keep going strong for him to come back to!

Get well soon, Blunders!! x
Frost* / Frost*Bites
July 09, 2012, 12:44:46 PM
A very special double headliner Christmas gig will be taking place on Sunday 16 December at the Scala, London with Frost* and It Bites. Yes, John will be on double time that evening!  ;)

Tickets now available from the Merch Desk, and are selling FAST...! ... uct_id=196
Frost* / Re: Frost: The Misheard Lyrics.
June 29, 2012, 07:37:50 PM
I'll never listen to that lyric in quite the same way again....!
Given that my voice isn't dissimilar to a foghorn on a bad day, I think I'd best give this one a miss....  :?
Oh, well, if you insist.  ;)
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

By sheer co-incidence, he texted me earlier on to ask if I wanted to partake in some fine wines and real ales this evening, so I'll pass your good wishes to him!