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Messages - Dec

Other Bands / Dec Burke Band gigs - October
September 03, 2012, 12:14:59 PM
Hello Peeps - Shameless plug time. Some 'db' gigs coming up in October.
If you can make it, please come along!!

Monday 1st October @ 'The Robin2' Bilston West Midlands support to 'K2' (with Ryo Okumoto) – post code WV14 7LJ

Friday 5th October @ 'The Unicorn'  Camden, London + support (House of Progression gig) – post code NW1 9AA

Sunday 7th October @ 'The Woughton Centre' MK – FREE afternoon gig – 1pm to 3pm – post code MK6 5EJ

Thursday 11th October  @  'The Black Bottom Club' Northampton (with support)  - post code NN1 3AU

Thanks lots!!!

Other Bands / Re: declan burke solo
March 22, 2011, 09:46:24 PM
Hi guys 'n' girls - thanks for the support on this thread, just wanted to let you know that the new album is sounding great, I'm already getting mixes back from Stefan Fanden who is mixing and producing this one and I'm so happy with how it's sounding - sonically, and songs-wise, this one is a big step forward from DAM, can't wait for peeps to hear it. I sent Jem a few rough mixes and he really liked what he heard, so wish me luck guys - tour in Sept......

lots of love

Dec xx
Other Bands / Re: Destroy All Monsters
August 08, 2010, 11:30:30 PM
It's ALL played live, that's why I have a second guitar player involved, so any time I'm playing keyboards Hywel covers guitar parts, any other keyboard melody lines Steve has it covered on bass pedals, and NONE of those are samples. The only thing that is on a sample is the intro to Signs of Life....hope that clears it up for everyone  :D
Ask Frost* / Re: Welcome to Nowhere-QUESTION
June 25, 2010, 08:51:16 PM
My memory of this is Jem going "come on, come on, we do the pub after this take"  :D
Other Bands / Re: Destroy All Monsters
June 11, 2010, 12:21:57 PM
That's a lot of prog.... :D
Other Bands / Re: Destroy All Monsters
June 11, 2010, 12:14:35 PM
Hi Gareth - that's a pleasure mate, the post is a wierd thing some have had copies really quickly and others not, and yet they're posted out almost straight away. Anyway hope you enjoy it, let me know what you think.

Just getting ready for some acoustic mayhem for tomorrow at the Peel, first gig in nearly a year, and I'm doing it no pressure there then  :shock:

The rehearsals with the band have been going really well too, so looking forward to getting out there and playing it now


Other Bands / Re: Transatlantic: tour dates 2010
May 22, 2010, 07:28:12 PM
Sooooo wanted to be at that gig, but circumstances came along and bit me right in the $%&*
Other Bands / Re: Destroy All Monsters
May 15, 2010, 09:26:05 PM
Well the album is with pressing people at the moment, finished copies should be back by the 25th ish. Nervous? yes, very !!!
The website will be up by mid next week so pre-orders can happen then, I'll be personally sending out copies from my little sweat shop, I've got a box of jiffy bags  :D    sounds a bit rude......ahem....

Met with David Elliott from the European Perspective today what a top bloke !!! So if you fancy a listen to one of the songs in it's entirety, check out his show tomorrow, he's going to play 'Small Hours' and include an interview we did today.

I'm at the Peel on June 12th as part of Mattfest, if you're there please come and say hi.

Dec xx
Hi - it's just me, my keyboard & acoustic. Looking forward to it. Should be a lot of fun

Other Bands / Re: Destroy All Monsters
April 13, 2010, 08:49:42 PM
Hi Gav - CD will be available towards the end of May from //
There's a holding page up now, and will be fully running very soon

Cheers mate

Other Bands / Re: Destroy All Monsters
April 13, 2010, 02:02:18 PM
Here is the cover artwork for the new CD. Done by the fantastic VitiminP
Other Bands / Re: Destroy All Monsters
February 24, 2010, 09:57:20 AM
Hi Dave - at the moment my good friend Steve Kightley has played bass on three tracks, Tim Churchman will be adding some drums, some are programmed. There will be a couple of other dudes adding some magic too, more news soon. Guitars/Keys/ some Bass & Vox are me.

Other Bands / Re: Destroy All Monsters
February 23, 2010, 10:07:56 PM
boys and girls thanks for the support, that's very kind.
The songs are really shaping up now, with just a few vocal melody changes to the chorus of the title track, vocals to add to 'Small Hours' a few extra guitar bits here and there and odds and sods here and there too. I'm still sticking with an April release all being well. There will be some friends adding their magic to proceeding in the bass and drum departments, and we're there. One thing that has surprised me though is how  keyboard driven it is more than guitar, well to my ears anyway. :D  But that said the guitars are big and when it comes to gig this puppy a second guitarist will be needed, preferably one that can add vocals too.  :D

Other Bands / Re: Destroy All Monsters
January 30, 2010, 12:45:41 PM
Thanks for he feedback guys, I put a little 2 minute sampler up over here: //

More soon

Dec xx
Other Bands / Destroy All Monsters
January 29, 2010, 12:02:09 PM
Hi boys 'n' girls,

I just wanted to give you a little update on a new album I'm recording at the moment. All original music, that at this point I'm going to let escape as a solo project. I'm in the process of putting a live band together to hopefully do some gigs in the summer. The songs are fairly straight forward in structure and quite keyboard driven with a focus on melody. The album is currently called:  'Destroy All Monsters'  the song titles are:

The Last Time
Winter to Summer
Signs of Life
Secret Lives
Small Hours
Destroy All Monsters

I'll put a sampler together in the coming days and post it up so you can have a listen. I just realised I need to sort out a website too, yikes...and all that other stuff that goes with it. Release date? I haven't a clue, hopefully March/April.
For now that's all the news, happy Friday !!!

Dec out xx