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Topics - boswell

Friends Of Frost* / Chocolate Homunculus
May 05, 2011, 11:20:08 PM
Hello Frost*ies.

I have writed a new song hurr durr.

For the time being it's called Chocolate Homunculus, and it's a little bit mad.

Would love to hear a bit o' the old feedback, especially the constructive type. It's by no means well mixed (or well written) so any tips would be very much appreciated :)

Thank you all!
Friends Of Frost* / I made a Snowman
December 07, 2010, 07:16:18 PM
[tl;dr Snowman Cover, second link]

Well I'm out of my summer hibernation, my favourite season is here in full force (although a little too full on even for me) so the other night I sat down with a brandy and recorded the old Joanna (that would be the prestigious antique e-mu USB keyboard) and ended up coming up with a bland vanilla version of Snowman.

Too which my new band mate and partner in prog Lee Duffy added his guitar wizardry (and strings) to make it sound a little bit more like this.

This is technically the first output of a new Prog band which we've only just formed, and if the rest of our time as a band is half as fun as this last 24 hours I will indeed be a very happy bunny. With all but the drummer now faithful Frost fans (I haven't met the drummer yet, but when I do I'll work my magic as I did on the other 3) this could be a very interesting experience indeed.

I'd love the harshest criticism possible if you're willing to give it. I know my mixing isn't up to scratch (Lee and my other band chums know more about that sort of thing than I do) and I'd be most grateful of any tips on improving this as a track.

P.S.  Our band is looking for names if you have any suggestions
Ask Frost* / The Man with the 2.4
July 22, 2010, 06:25:46 AM
I'm sure this question has been asked before, and I shall be promptly told to go and plonk my bottom on the naughty chair in the corner, but here goes....(search wasn't very helpful either, in fact it brought up every post which ever contained the words "the", "man" and "with")

Where on earth is that quirky conversation with Neville from?

You know the one, "Do you get very depressed?" "Yes, 3 days a week."

I remember first hearing it and thinking it sounded vaguely familiar.

But then again the radio chappy sounds a lot like Jem, so perhaps it was all recorded just for that track?

I am baffled beyond belief.

Please, help put a Frosty out of his turmoil, either with enlightenment, or a swift kick to the face.
Gear Corner / My Fantom is dying
April 29, 2010, 07:01:27 PM
Time to give up the ghost *rimshot*

It's been a good 2 years, but happened

Dead Key

The 2nd B flat. I tried to resuscitate it (banging continuously for a few minutes) but sadly, not a peep.

And to top it off now the aftertouch  is gone, accross the whole board. Only if I press the keys to snapping point do I get anything out of it.

I opened her up for the first time, for some surgery. Couldn't get access to the key contacts and scared myself that I might make things worse. I did however remove a few dead woodlice and some fluff, before puting it back together again ( I wish I was joking).


Is that it? Is a dead key the end of the line for a synth? I can't afford repairs. :(


This is a nifty little plugin which emulates the timeless ARP Pro soloist.

Anybody else used it?

I'm currently trying to recreate sounds from Selling England, and The Lamb, but having no prior experience with a REAL Prosoloist, and I'm not sure if it's even possible with this thing. I've been faffing about with the settings for a while now and can't quite get the sounds I'm after. Surprisingly there is little information on the web about the settings Banksy used.

Still for 25 Euro's it's a nice lead plugin that I use quite often in my own stuff.

By far the most impressive feature is the aftertouch, which apparently is quite realistic to the real-deal.

The demo is just a bit of fun really. There's a 20 second interval beep which gets on your tripe and ruins a recording unless you can be bothered to use phase cancelling and what not. I just paid the cash.
Any Other Business / Music Industry vs. Piracy
April 17, 2010, 10:04:45 PM
Some interesting statistics.

Edit: Sorry this gets cut off down the side, the full pic can be seen here: ... y-full.jpg

Any thoughts?

I personally didn't realise that Rock music far outsold pop.
Friends Of Frost* / Sample Clearence
April 11, 2010, 09:06:51 PM
After listening a good ump-teen times to the new Dividing Line, my mind started to wander (as it has a habit) to random questions about using samples from TV news broadcasts and such.

 :?:  Do you need to clear speech samples for use or is it classed as fair use? If you do, is it expensive?  :?:

I have been wanting to use a few soundbites of politicians (nothing cliche about that) and other public figures in our live set, and maybe on recordings but I'm honestly not sure if this is legal. I think I could classify it as satire as I'm planning to use contradictory and hypocritical quotes to make a point. I might even stand on a little soap box.

I know this might seem like quite a naive question, but that can be chalked up to the fact that I am a very naive person when it comes to music production.
A few months back I was watching Ray Mears Extreme Bush Waffle Pubic Topiary or some such program and as he was examining some 10,000 year old cave vandalism I heard a familiar sound. It was the opening panpipe/flute sample(?) from the start of Hyperventilate. Unmistakeable!. Definitely it.

Now I know Jem does music for on the telly and whatnot, but I was wondering if anybody can confirm my tickling inklings.
The alternative hypothesis is that it's just been borrowed from a sample library...hmm

And when we finally solve this conundrum perhaps this thread can evolve into a discussion of Jems other TV work, hopefully before it descends into a debate on post colonial African agricultural practices.

I beg forgiveness in advance if this has already been discussed elsewhere (I did a rather extensive and thorough search for "Mears" before posting this so we should be ok)
Gear Corner / V-Machine....
April 02, 2010, 09:12:12 PM

I bought a V-machine. (SM Pro Audio)

Silly me.

"Take your VST's with you!" "Great for live situations!""Never worry about beer soaked laptops ever again!!!"

Sounds great huh? ....

Fractional support for a handful of plugins which may or may not work even if you do manage to HAND CODE the ini file needed to make them work. Yes. Hand code. No midi in, tiny audio input jack (3.5mm). Just...terrible. And the worst part is I bought it months ago from the USA, hoping that support would increase. So now a return is out of the question.

Circa £500...

Learn from my fail.
Gear Corner / Portamento, how I loathe thee!
April 02, 2010, 08:53:50 PM
Could anybody tell me why it is that on almost every device, plugin or harpsichord that I own does the portamento work only about 2-and-a-bit octaves? (ballpark figure, there)

Pour example:

Let's say we're playing a wicked cool keyboard solo that starts on a low C, then we widdle our merry way up to an octave above. Everything is going smoothly, and so impressed are we that we decide to take things to the next level. That's right. We're going higher baby, and due to our impeccable legato technique/sustain pedal - we haven't yet missed a note and retriggered the sound. Off we go to C4, pummelling our way through the cycle of semitones until, yes, yes, that's it, we're going to climax with a lovely trill and......oooh dear. I'm sorry baby I seem to have gotten stuck on B flat. In fact it's not even B flat, its a few micro tones between B flat and B. And now every subsequent keypress higher than that is the same note: B fllllll---- . Right the way up the keyboard. I swear baby this is the first time it's happened. Ok, it happens every time...

....And it p*sses me off!

Could anybody please explain this phenomenonenon? It doesn't happen in reverse (starting on a high C). It isn't even time dependant. If I play C2, then go straight to C5 - oh! same problem! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr....rr...

Gurd evening ladies and gents. :D

My name is Steve, and that's why I drink heavily.

I've lurked these halls off and on for a few years now, so I have a rough idea of the hierarchy round here. I think I've worked out who the big shots and the high flyers are, and I understand there's a rather persistent ruffian troll who goes by the name of Jem.

I feel now is the time to break my silence and "join in" as my social therapist would say.

So I thought what better way to break the ice than to be rather rude and selfish and ask a question....

What's the  "bog standard widdly widdly Tony Banks" mono lead that Jem refers to in one of the old Keyboard Talk vids?

I'm attempting to learn the BLM solo (after having a bash at hyperventilate - so close!) and try as I might I can't seem to get the right settings in korg WAVESTATION (!!!). The first two WAVESTATION (!!!!!!!!!!!) presets are easy to find, but the last I'm assuming is a custom patch. And squint as I might, I can't make out the knobs and wire connections needed to make a Banksy's ol' Standard.

Unfortunately sound design isn't my area of expertise (I make dentures for a living :) )so unfortunately my ears aren't so good at copying leads and patches.

I realise this is a shot in the dark but... any tips? Tricks? Insults? I don't mind.

Anyhoo, I'll leave that with you, fellow frosties.
