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Topics - JaredWard

Frost* / Frost* Art
February 08, 2013, 04:50:15 AM
Figured I would post this. Inspired by the recent Frost* news <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

<!-- m --> ... glarge.jpg<!-- m -->

Feel free to post Frost* art here.
Frost* / Blundell's New Frost* Kit!
December 02, 2010, 10:03:39 AM
From his Facebook:

QuoteFrost* "black live machine" kit for live gigs and DVD shoot. Mapex Saturn series with Paiste cymbals and Roland electronics. Huge thank you to Pimpco and Mapex

Frost* / Unused Frost* Song? (Song 5)
July 05, 2010, 06:01:03 AM
I was just curious does anyone know what happened to this song? It's from the Feb. 1 Frost Report, titled "Song 5" (around the 3:20 and 4:50 mark)

I'm guessing this song was scrapped? or was it? A random question I know but I've been wondering about it for awhile.
Toys / Creatures of Distinction (Request)
June 11, 2010, 08:10:30 PM
Hey guys... new "Frostie" here, I was just curious is there anywhere I can download the unused rare material? Most importantly the "Creatures of Distinction" stuff? I've looked all over the net for it & came up with nothing, I also noticed this link... but all the links are dead  :( Most of those I've never even heard & I'd love to have them if anyone could help me out. Here are the only songs I've found already...

Envy Cow
Raining in My Heart
Wedding Day

Any info would be appreciated!
