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Topics - dtscape10

Other Bands / Headspace - I Am Anonymous
June 23, 2012, 04:49:41 PM
I was told about this band by a friend of mine...
The musician line up is very impressive(Adam Wakeman(Rick Wakemans son.. plays with Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath at the mo) - Keys, Damien Wilson(Threshold, Star One) - Vocals, Lee Pomeroy (It Bites, Take That and many more)- Bass, Richard Brooks (Go West, Sugarbabes, ABC etc) - Drums, Pete Rinaldi - Guitar).. and the band sound brilliant.
Really enjoying the cd at the moment... ... re=related

Highly recommend having a listen :D
Gear Corner / Jems Kronos?!!!
December 20, 2011, 12:38:47 PM
  Just wondering how Jem feels about the Kronos after gigging with it? Sounds great from the videos I've seen on Youtube(of the gig on Friday).
I have one myself and am still programming it up too gig (its unbelievably powerfull!!!). I'm still at that stage of getting stuck on a sound and just playing it for ages.. rather than programming it!! I simply get lost in it :?

Anyone else on here having fun with a Kronos? :)
Other Bands / Lalle Larsson Etc.
December 20, 2011, 12:31:44 PM
I've recently been listening to a lot of material that involves Lalle Larsson on keyboards. He's an amazing player.
I'd recommend any of the following:

Karmakanic - In A Perfect World (Brilliant cd.. sounds a bit like Yes in places)
Agents Of Mercy - The Black Forest (Slightly heavier than Roine Stolts(TFK) usual stuff but very good)
Lalle Larssons - Weaveworld
                        Infinity Of Worlds (Both instrumental fusion type stuff)

Check them out...
I'm now a big fan of Lalle Larssons stuff :D
Ask Frost* / Is the Islington gig still happening?
December 02, 2010, 11:08:57 AM
I know it's a horrible question but I feel it needs to be asked. The weather seems to be getting worse day by day (round my area anyway) so I was just wondering if there are any plans to postpone this gig to another date (if possible!!!).
I don't want it to be cancelled but I also don't want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere on a train (if they're even running tomorrow!!) or car (even more unlikely!!).

Can Jem and the guys even get there?!!!!!

Any news on the situation would be great.
Cheers :)
Other Bands / Nik Kershaw
September 15, 2010, 10:37:35 AM
Now I know he's not really prog but he is a great songwriter.

I've been listening to his '15 Minutes' album for several years now and I still love it... I keep going back too it.

I would highly recommend it. If you love good songs with great melodies... this is the album for you :D
Gear Corner / Yamaha Motif XF ....
September 07, 2010, 12:08:46 PM
I've just been looking at the spec of this thing. I was turned onto them by a YouTube clip (can't add it here due to lack of access at work) that shows a bunch of 80's patches programmed for the XS model ( They sound fantastic and identical to the songs the patches come from. This turned my attention to the latest upgrade which is the XF.

Now... I'm not absolutly sure if my undersatnding is correct but

With the XF version it is possible to have 2gb of samples in the keyboard at all times (ie. from when you turn it on) and  there is no need to load them everytime you turn the keyboard on. Is this correct?
Gear Corner / Gig Setup?!!!!
August 12, 2010, 11:33:07 AM
I know there has been much discussion about Jems next setup so I was wondering what his latest plan is?
Is it back to the Fantom G or have you been plugging away at the Macbook idea? :D
Other Bands / Vanden Plas - Seraphic Clockwork
August 09, 2010, 02:06:25 PM
Yet another band I haven't listened to in a while... Their previous release (Christ'O) was very good. The new one sounds good, from what I've heard so far. They've got some great riffs and melodies...

Check them out...
Other Bands / Dreamscape - 5th Season
August 09, 2010, 02:03:03 PM
I used to listen to this band a lot.... Particularly the "Very" cd. I haven't checked them out for sometime but my brother mentioned that they have had a couple of cd's out a few years ago. Managed to get my hands on this one (5th Season) and have to say it's rather good....
Check them out here....
Other Bands / HAKEN - Aquarius
August 06, 2010, 01:43:27 PM
Guys... a friend of mine sent me a text saying I should have a listen to this band. He knows I like Dream Theater and Pain Of Salvation and said this would be right up my street.

I've listened to a majority of this album and have fallen in love with it.... It's brilliant stuff. Quite heavy in places with great melodies and very well produced. Check them out.....
Whilst watching one of your YouTube blogs the other day(I had an evening of watching a selection which was most entertaining!!!) I noticed you (Jem) watching a Jean Michel Jarre video/dvd....

What one was it?

I, like you (by all accounts), grew up listening to all that stuff and that video/dvd footage looked really good... Especially as some of the only footage I have of JMJ playing that stuff is at the Houston gig (brilliant stuff) where he was playing a massive lighted keyboard and a laser harp (Slightly bigger version of the Roland D-Beam !!!lol) as appose to a PROPER keyboard (as in your video/dvd).

Let me know so i can get a copy. :D
Other Bands / Mind's Eye
July 08, 2010, 02:55:47 PM
I found this band quite a few years back and have patiently waited for every new cd.....
Their last release "A Gentlemans Hurricane" is absolutely BRILLIANT!!!!! I would highly recommend them to any prog rock fan. Most of their releases have been really good and I think most of you would appreciate them.... The highlights for me have been...


Give them a try.... Melodic prog rock!!!!! :D
Other Bands / AYREON - 01011001
July 06, 2010, 03:52:02 PM
I've had this cd for sometime now and keep returning to it. It's not everyones cup of tea (with a biscuit or 2) but the production of it is amazing. Its classed as part of his Rock Opera theme ... which has been going for years. It has various styles to it including folk, heavy rock and definate hints of Pink Floyd in places. This is a stunning cd with lots of guest vocalists/musicians, including Daniel Gildenlow(Pain Of Salvation),Jorn Lande(Ark), Derek Sherinian(Planet X, Dream Theater), Joost van den Broek( a very tasty keyboard player indeed) and many more..

Arjen Anthony Lucassen is a great believer in using all the old analogue stuff and the recordings show that. The previous cd "The Human Equation" is also a great cd. Oh and his "Star One" project which included Russel Allen from Symphony X.... the live DVD of it is brilliant!!!!!

Anyone else heard this stuff?
Gear Corner / Sorry but another Fantom question!!!!
June 30, 2010, 03:49:25 PM
Jems white fantom...... was it a G6 or G7?
Friends Of Frost* / A quick solo......
June 14, 2010, 02:31:42 PM
Hi guys,
        Unless you haven't guessed, by my avatar, I am a keyboard player. Thought I'd show you a short video of me recording a solo for a friend of mine (a very good guitarist called Dudley Ross... We have a gig coming up supporting Christophe Godin and Guthrie Govan on Thursday 17th June). This was a one take solo which I'm very pleased with as I usually have the ole red button syndrome where I cock everything up when recording... This is an exception...

Hope you like it...
Announcements / Made it !!!!!!!
June 14, 2010, 09:49:30 AM
Yipeee........... Yeeeha!!!!!!! :D

Sorry....... I've made it onto the forum!!!! After nearly 6 months of trying to acces the forum I've finally made it.

Now.. what was it i wanted to say?!!!!!  :?