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Topics - tomskerous

Other Bands / Can you plug "other books" here?
October 13, 2010, 12:31:51 AM
As the poor fools that follow my twitter will know, my mum's got a new book out, and it's getting rather good reviews. So if you liked Philip Pullman, Philip Reeve or even that J.K. Rowling woman, then please pick up "A Boy Called MOUSE' for your inner (or real-life) 10-year-old. ... 408801388/

Some of the things people have said about it (some spoilers): ... enny_Dolan ... lled-mouse ... Dolan.html - you can download the first chapters here ... m-o-u-s-e/
Other Bands / Tim Smith and friends
October 11, 2010, 08:56:24 PM
I have to say it, but tonight I listened to Cardiacs for the first time in bloody ages.

Jesus they were good weren't they?

The whole of the 'Mares Nest' concert is up on Youtube, uploaded by user 'tallbastard'. Or "The Consultant" as we used to call him back in the day.

There's even lounge and techno covers these days...
Any Other Business / That Bloody Volcano
April 17, 2010, 10:51:58 PM
Sodding ash. Took me a day and a bloody half (and a ton of cash) to get home from the south of France!

Good luck to anyone else trying to do air-related transport things over the next little while.
Gear Corner / Time Lust
April 08, 2010, 10:33:56 PM
After spending my tax rebate I'm lucky I've enough gear to keep me going. PT8, Arturia 10 year, NI Komplete, Waldorf Collection oh and Final Cut Express, plus I came by an Ensoniq TS12 and am currently the guardian of 'the log of prog'. (I'm waiting for one of those MS20 USB controllers at the right price on eBay, but that's for devilish purposes)

But dear goodness, I'd love to have the time to do something proper with it.

A clear week with no kids, no work interruptions, living like a student again - oh gosh I'd love it.

And to be able to watch telly once more!

Perhaps a fortnight then...
Other Bands / Trevor Horn feat Robbie Williams
November 17, 2009, 08:45:00 PM
Just quickly wanted to say that the new Robbie album has every gorgeous TH production trick under the sun on it. Still not sure I like RW but ooooooh the production.

(Right, back to work. Pitching to do the new M m m m m m m m my Milkshake! site tomorrow and need to prepare.)
Other Bands / Re: Recoil
July 18, 2009, 12:18:33 AM
Blimey that takes me back.

I'm off to youtube to hunt down some Curve now. Ah, Toni Halliday...
Other Bands / The Duckworth Lewis Method
July 11, 2009, 01:42:49 PM
As Jem once said that Seal once said "your album will sound like the time you had making it"

And Neil Hannon had a right laughing making this cricket-based pile of fun with his mate from Pugwash.

It's got the wit and lightness of the early Divine Comedy album...and a decent (if brisk) production budget as well. And a huge dollop of ELO-ness on top, which is no bad thing.
Other Bands / Just checking...
July 11, 2009, 12:41:52 AM
What century are we in again?

This bit of the board is getting distressingly corduroy these days.

LFE, what's floating your boat at the moment? I'm still trying to make up my mind whether Elly Jackson is a bold new voice or just a bit bloody screechy.
Other Bands / Gabriel Gig
July 05, 2009, 11:20:26 PM
Ooooooooh. PG is playing at Womad.

Anyone else going?
Other Bands / So, Jacko then?
June 26, 2009, 12:26:12 AM
In some ways I feel he's in a happier place. What an odd life.
Any Other Business / Heh.
May 26, 2009, 11:06:17 PM
Wot Pedro said.

But not necessarily *how* he said it.
Ladies and gents

I saw the highly inspirational (Sir) KR this morning, talking as part of promoting his new book 'The Element'. And chuff me, I actually went back to the office and did something about shaking our culture up.

I urge all of you to watch the below and have a ponder. It's a few years old, and his hypothesis has now evolved - that businesses show many of the same weaknesses. They fail to spot what people really enjoy doing, and could become world leaders at, because it's not part of the testable model of pupil/staff development.

It's not at all Daily Mail, but I hope you find it entertaining. ... ivity.html

For those of you that didn't follow the link, here's a little story he told to make you go back and reconsider.

As part of researching the new book, he hooked up with Paul McCartney. KR's belief was that creative people aren't often aware of what they do, and it often takes an outside influence to find it or point it out. So he asked Paul how he'd found music lessons at school.

"I hated it" says Macca.

Turns out that it wasn't until rock'n'roll appeared that PM had anything to say for himself. But KR wasn't deterred, he then asked:

"What about the rest of the Beatles? Did they enjoy music at school?"

"Well George Harrison was in my music class at school and he hated it as well."

So, in hindsight, imagine the scene.

There is a music teacher somewhere (probably long gone) that had 50% of The Beatles in their music class, and didn't spot the talent, didn't spot the potential, wasn't equipped to inspire them.

It makes Decca's failure to sign them look a bit piddling really.

Ken rightly points out that this isn't due to laziness or complacence on the part of the teaching profession, but from a 19th-century linear view of what education and work are *for*. He also proved how subtle these reinforcements can be...but I'll save that until someone replies to this thread.

In the meantime, go and watch the video.

Other Bands / Little Boots
May 16, 2009, 12:08:18 AM
As first highlighted by Mr Godfrey back in January, that Victoria Hesketh is bloody amazing. Anyone else see her doing 'New in Town' on Later Live? It's up on the BBC iPlayer if you've got access - about 8 minutes in. Looking forward to the extended show too!
Any Other Business / The things you find...
May 04, 2009, 12:51:53 AM
...while hunting for Frost* clips on youtube.
Toys / RoSFest Intro now up on Last.FM
May 03, 2009, 11:40:23 PM
As Lord Godfrey's chief scrobble-wrangler, it's with great joy that I can tell you the RoSFest intro is now available to listen to, nay even download, from the Live Intros collection on Frost*'s page.


In fact, if you don't laugh out loud, I'd recommend medical help.
My turn tonight.

Who's next?
Other Bands / Jon Hopkins
April 19, 2009, 11:50:11 PM
Saw this chap the other night and he totally stole the show from his support slot. The headliners can't have been pleased.

He produces the sort of detailed glittering electronica that is as progressive as it comes. One track made me think 'this is the sort of moment Underworld would take a whole album to build up to...and its his opening number!'

He's got quite a CV as well - he worked with Brian Eno on 'Another Day on Earth', played keyboards for Imogen Heap live, and just co-produced the last Coldplay album and EP. And with his Kaoss pad widdling he's actually great to watch too!

Highly recommended.
Other Bands / Bat for Lashes
April 16, 2009, 01:18:17 AM
Blimey Natasha's new album is just excellent. A really nice evolution from 'Fur and Gold', and getting Scott Walker on guest vocals is a bit of a coup.

Oh and the drums are just amazing.

Some bloke called Alex Thomas.
Other Bands / We're Going to Need a Bigger Boat
March 22, 2009, 10:44:20 PM
Finally got my hands on a copy of the new Norman Cook album, under the monicker 'The BPA'. Had completely missed that it had been released - presumably because the press were more interested in his personal life at the time.

And it's just lovely.

There's a few shouty bigbeat style tracks, but in general there's a laidback 70s summeriness to it that's just totally uplifting. It sounds like they had a great time making it. And I'm now a huge fan of Emmy the Great based on just 'Seattle'. What a lovely voice and outlook on the world.

A huge smile, in hand 10cm silver disc form.
Frost* / Oooh look, new youtubage!!!!
March 22, 2009, 12:12:03 PM
A 3-parter has appeared on /planetfrost!