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Topics - Jamyu

Ask Frost* / Sheet Music?
November 15, 2010, 05:21:24 PM
Is there anywhere I could buy any music (keyboard) of Frost*?

I'd be particularly interested in a milliontown music book, but anything would appeal to me. ^^

Would love to play this ^_^
Any Other Business / A member called Jim/ Jimmy?
November 03, 2010, 03:43:56 PM
Hello Frosties! ^_^

Is there a member of this forum whose real name is Jimmy?

The reason I ask is that quite a while ago, I came across a great video on youtube of him drumming to a section of Milliontown.... but then this video disappeared... :(

Just today I found him drumming to Hyperventilate (this was equally awesome).

The reason I wonder if he's on the forum is that a caption in the video said he was (albeit that the video was made a year and a half ago).... But I wondered if he'd repost that milliontown video because it was just so awesome (not to mention hilarious too) :P

This is his page:

Any help would be much appreciated (I sure hope this doesn't seem stalker-ish)  :lol:
Other Bands / Pain of Salvation - Road Salt
October 06, 2010, 12:48:13 PM
Anyone heard this? (Sorry if it's been posted, but I flicked through the pages and couldn't seem to find it)


I reckon it's no 'Be' , but then, there never will be another masterpiece like that from this band, or at least it's doubtful.

I prefer this new album to 12:5 though.
Any Other Business / Is it just me or...?
October 06, 2010, 12:41:06 PM
The frost banner ^ at the top....

I keep thinking (and not learning) that it doesn't direct to the board index.... and it's frustrating :P

Anyone else have this? Or am I just 'special'?
Any Other Business / Classic Rock: Prog Magazine
September 08, 2010, 09:08:04 PM
Does anyone else buy this? I'm so relieved there's a magazine of this ilk.

Though it's usually only one of four bands on the front :P

I demand a frost front page!
Announcements / At last :)
September 07, 2010, 09:37:00 PM
Am I allowed to post here? Only there's no welcome section....

Sorry if not.... *dots eyes in a shifty manner*


Hello! I am new! ^_^

My name is Ben, and I've been a frostie for approx. 3 years, ever since I discovered that glorious milliontown thingi back in 2007 (a year late! ;_:)

The reason it's taken so long to get on the forum is that I've only just finished my many years of uni (last day of Masters work today! Soon I get to be a Master of Music! Whee!!) and so now finally have time to join this fabulous forum :)

Anything else, just ask :)

p.s. I really want a t-shirt with 'keep calm and mellotron' on it...