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Topics - MadeOutOfCats

Gigs / Manchester last night
December 05, 2010, 09:43:18 AM
Just wanted to say thanks to The Chaps for an excellent gig in Manchester last night. JM's voice got lost in the mix a bit early on, but apart from that there was barely a glitch. This might just have been the best of my six Frost* gigs: some unbelievable drumming from Blunders, squeaky vocals from Nathan and plenty of banter too: what more could you want? :D (It should go without saying that JM and Jem were fab. ;) )

I was also impressed by the size (and enthusiasm) of the audience. And the average age was lower than I expected too. Could it be that Frost are becoming popular?  :shock:

Nice to meet Mouse, D S and Fogeyspasm too. See you in Derby...
Other Bands / Fused Festival 2011
October 26, 2010, 06:53:15 PM
After saying over here that I'd like to see Threshold again soon, they've just been announced as headliners for Fused Festival 2011.

Do you suppose I should post more requests for bands I'd like to see in case they feel like announcing they're going on the road? Nah, me neither.  :roll:
Other Bands / Winter's End
December 29, 2009, 04:36:36 PM
Interesting looking mini-festival from the CRS and the folks who promote Summer's End.
Other Bands / Terabite
August 01, 2009, 10:31:14 AM
Well worth checking out this new collaboration between Nick D'Virgilio and drummer Thomas Lang.

They could take a few lessons from Jem when it comes to publicity though: apart from the iTunes download there doesn't seem to much info about the project available. (Yet?)
Other Bands / Spock's Beard X pre-order
July 23, 2009, 08:53:36 PM
Looks like Spock's Beard have decided that they can live without a record company.

Pre-order details for their next album here.
Any Other Business / Holiday planning
March 29, 2009, 10:05:18 AM
Looks like the Telegiraffe has some useful information for any Frost*ies planning a holiday outside the UK.