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Topics - tomyg

Other Bands / Looking for a new keyboard player
March 02, 2013, 04:55:43 PM
Guys, I hope this is ok but as a old Frostie, I hoped nobody would mind if I enquired whether anyone might be interested in playing keyboards in my band as we seem to have lost our previous player due to a house move. We're based in Surrey with a home rehearsal studio and write original music with a prog feel, think Porcupine Tree, IQ, Marillion etc. If anybody is interested please PM me, thanks Tom
Gigs / Rumour Frost Big Festival Gig 2012
March 05, 2012, 11:47:16 AM
I've heard through the grapevine that Frost have been asked to play at this years High Voltage Festival. I wondered if anyone else had heard such murmurings?
The Festival is great but this year, given the Olympics, I wouldn't be surprised if the venue is changed. Any news anyone :?:
I was saddened to hear today that songwriter and musician Eric Woolfson, one of the key figures behind The Alan Parsons Project, has died of cancer aged 64. Really sad news as I grew up listening to their albums such as 'I Robot', 'Pyramid' & 'Tales of Mystery & Imagination'. He was a self taught musician as well. A real loss...
Other Bands / It Bites Live at The Komedia
January 07, 2009, 11:03:23 PM
Last October '08, John Mitchell and 'It Bites' finished their brief UK tour at The Komedia in Brighton. Click on the link below to see about 5 minutes video footage of the gig.
As always with JM it was a great performance.
Tom  :)
Frost* / At Last- Part 3 of Frost at The Peel
January 01, 2009, 08:52:32 PM
Not sure its been worth the wait but click on the link below for the brief and final part of all my video footage of the lads playing at The Peel last year..............
Featuring that legendary performance by a fellow Frostie of 'I wish it could be Christmas everday'
Enjoy and Happy New Year to one and all
Tom :D
Frost* / Part 2 Frost Live at The Peel
December 30, 2008, 11:00:58 PM
Now uploaded and ready to watch please click on the link below to view just over 5 minutes of Frost Live at The Peel-Part 2
This footage features the drummer & guitarist playing keyboards....and given their just rewards by Jem...
Enjoy........Final part 3 should be up within a few days.
Tom :D
Frost* / Frost Live at The Peel
December 26, 2008, 11:27:54 PM
Merry Crimbo Frosties
Please see below the link for yet more video of the boys playing at the Peel. I hope to have edited part 2 within the next few days.
Tom :D
Announcements / 2 x Free Tickets for the Frost Peel Gig
December 17, 2008, 09:49:38 PM
Greetings fellow Frosties, I have two tickets, (numbers 39 & 40) for this Saturday's Frost gig at the Peel, House of progression, 160 Cambridge Road, Kingston which I am prepared to let any genuine fan have for FREE!!.

As a consequence of a domestic mix up with childcare, two friends have had to cancel leaving my girlfriend and I with a couple of spare tickets.

I'm not asking for any payment (although perhaps a drink for the Mrs and I would be appreciated) but only that you guarantee you will be attending the show.

If you're genuine and quick, you can either collect the tickets from my home which is near Gatwick, my office which is near Woking or on the night outside the venue.

Please send me a private message in order to make arrangements. I'll respond on a first come first served basis.

Well it is Christmas after all.........