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Topics - toolfan1912

Any Other Business / Arts Thread
November 23, 2008, 02:47:22 AM
Ok, so I'm a bit of an amateur photographer not a very good one but ok, Anyway I just thought I'd start a thread for all of us forum members to post whatever kind of art we like, just as long as it's made by yourself.

You can post anything from Photography - Music whatever is your passion post it here.

I'll get the ball rolling here's a couple of photo's I recently uploaded onto my flickr page:

Being sold on amazon the complete series 1 & 2 Region 2 DVD.... :shock:

Must buy!!!!!!

Go here
Any Other Business / I is a n00b...
November 15, 2008, 11:13:26 AM

Just thought I'd introduce myself onto the forums, I started listening to Frost* about two years ago and I have been waiting ages for the band to come back and bring out a new amazing record.

And here we are with a new album which I can't wait to buy later next week when I get the money.

My real name is Sean and I'm a member of a few other band forums like and the main one that I'm on most of the time is on there I'm also called toolfan1912, not sure If anyone know's him but I'm fairly sure that another member of the mikeportnoy forum is on here too his username on the mikeportnoy forum is szabinaich.

Looking forward to my time around here

Cheers Sean ;)