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Topics - Dec

Other Bands / Dec Burke Band gigs - October
September 03, 2012, 12:14:59 PM
Hello Peeps - Shameless plug time. Some 'db' gigs coming up in October.
If you can make it, please come along!!

Monday 1st October @ 'The Robin2' Bilston West Midlands support to 'K2' (with Ryo Okumoto) – post code WV14 7LJ

Friday 5th October @ 'The Unicorn'  Camden, London + support (House of Progression gig) – post code NW1 9AA

Sunday 7th October @ 'The Woughton Centre' MK – FREE afternoon gig – 1pm to 3pm – post code MK6 5EJ

Thursday 11th October  @  'The Black Bottom Club' Northampton (with support)  - post code NN1 3AU

Thanks lots!!!

Other Bands / Destroy All Monsters
January 29, 2010, 12:02:09 PM
Hi boys 'n' girls,

I just wanted to give you a little update on a new album I'm recording at the moment. All original music, that at this point I'm going to let escape as a solo project. I'm in the process of putting a live band together to hopefully do some gigs in the summer. The songs are fairly straight forward in structure and quite keyboard driven with a focus on melody. The album is currently called:  'Destroy All Monsters'  the song titles are:

The Last Time
Winter to Summer
Signs of Life
Secret Lives
Small Hours
Destroy All Monsters

I'll put a sampler together in the coming days and post it up so you can have a listen. I just realised I need to sort out a website too, yikes...and all that other stuff that goes with it. Release date? I haven't a clue, hopefully March/April.
For now that's all the news, happy Friday !!!

Dec out xx