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Topics - gareth

Hi friends,
Thought I should share some great footage from a concert I played last weekend! It was with Mike Mills, the genius behind Toehider. I accompanied him on piano and we played some acoustic crazy proggy goodness. Definitely check out his music if you don't know of it already.
Anyway he's from another city and we only had one rehearsal the night before of this stuff, but yeah it was a smashing concert, had such a rush from being so nervous.

The footage from the show is here: ... E1A3F63293

But if you only watch one:

Enjoy!  :D
Friends Of Frost* / Quandary - Ready to Fail
May 16, 2010, 08:49:53 AM
Hi all!
My band has finished our album! It's quite prog, quite keyboard heavy, quite widdly, if you're that way inclined.

It's just been mastered and so we thought the time is right to share some material.
I played the keys on it, as well as did a lot of the writing, mixing and producing.
We eventually want to have as much of it up online as possible, and we'll try to get it on iTunes as soon as the album comes back from pressing, but for now, have a listen to some songs on reverbnation:

Also, we've gone all web 2.0 crazy:!/p...15849645117680

More songs and some videos and other things coming up soon if all goes to plan :)

Check us out, I'd love some feedback on it!
Other Bands / Toehider
April 12, 2010, 08:46:26 AM
I feel I owe it to you kind frosties to introduce you to my friend Mike Mills and his Toehider project! He's an insanely talented and prolific dude hailing from Melbourne, Australia, and for the past year he's released one E.P per month, for 12 months. He's just finished the project today with a 19 minute song I'm listening to for the first time now.
The beauty of it is that every E.P is in a drastically different style than the previous one, and it ranges from acoustic-folk to punk rock to some pretty complex prog stuff.

So If you like literal "progressive" all-encompassing music, please do check it out:
Most of it is available for streaming on the website.

Friends Of Frost* / A film I made for my band!
November 28, 2009, 12:45:36 PM
Ahoy Frosties!

Finally my band has something to share. It's a video I put together for a short instrumental of ours. It's well and truly in the progressive rock/metal area, if you wanted to know. Check it out and let us know what you think!
Frost* / A dilemma of epic proportions
May 17, 2009, 05:10:22 AM
Ok guys and gals, i'm hoping someone can set me straight.

When typing Frost* with an apostrophe to imply ownership, ie. Frost's "Black Light Machine", where should the asterisk and the apostrophe sit?
Frost'*s  ?
Frost*'s ?
Fr*st's ?

None of them seem to work, they're all aesthetically and gramatically confusing to me on a deep and personal level.
Help me out here.
Ask Frost* / Reproducing it live
January 13, 2009, 12:36:45 PM
I'll try keep this short.

Just wanted to have a discussion about recording an album and re-producing it live. There was sort of a mention in another thread about reproducing the craziness of Frost in a live context, and it just got me thinking...

I'm about to start recording synth parts for my own band's album soon. I've been massively inspired by the production of the Frost albums, in terms of the layers and the way everything is put together with no consideration for reproducing it live.
I like that sort of reckless approach but i'm worried that i'll dig the hole too deep for myself when it comes time to program and then perform the stuff live.
I even want to spill it over into the vocal production, but I know that will be even harder to reproduce.

Going deeper, do we even need to replicate everything at a microcosmic scale in a live show? The stuff is usually played intolerably loud, and the environment is one that encourages drinking copious amounts of booze...
Do you think people really notice? Where do you draw the line?
And that said, why are some parts like the acoustic guitar intro of EIMA played as samples on the keyboard?

I do kind of tend to go backwards and forwards with my point of view on this. I'm not really sure how to approach my own stuff... whenever I present a whacky production idea to the band, I always get asked "but how will we reproduce that live?", and I gotta ask myself if I really care.

I am definitely a producer and a composer before a performer. And I think something in the way bands present themselves live has to really change. I always remember someone saying that painters don't have to perform live to justify their art. Why do musicians?

Going off on a tangent anyway. I'll stop it here!

This is open for anyone's input of course, but i'd particularly like to know if Jem has any sort of philosophy with this, or if it's just a "fuck it, i'll deal with it later" type-approach all the time?

I'm pushing my luck but if TBE happens to read this i'd love his input too, he always seems to have some interesting points on this sort of subject.

Sorry for the massive post/rant! Just up late at night drinking red wine, thinking and listening to Peter Gabriel.  :)
Ahoy there,

Just wanted to share some Frosty videos i've made recently!

Firstly, this is me playing Toys on drums:
I'm mainly a keyboardist actually, but the drummer in my band was kind enough to let me have a mighty bash after practice on his monstrous kit. Some parts are slightly dodgy, but meh... It's such a fun song to play. :)

And secondly, (because I know this will totally overshadow my feeble attempt at Toys on drums) this is a video my guitarist did of the BLM keys solo:
What can I say, he continues to surprise me...  :shock:
Thanks to TonyB for helping by supplying that transcription  ;)

Hope you enjoy, i'd love some feedback yo.