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Topics - PaulBM

Ask Frost* / Multiple T-Shirt sizes for DVD Shoot gig?
September 28, 2010, 10:17:44 PM
Hello people,

Seconds have past since ordering 4 tickets for the family to attend the DVd shoot at Derby Uni (amazingly our eldest sons' Uni  :D ).

I couldn't suss out how to select different T-Shirt sizes... or should I have made 4 seperate ticket orders? The Missus would like a ladies shirt. ;)

Any now I look back at the small print, in my haste to order the fast disappearing tickets, I see I should have written something in the comments box for the DVD credits! How about using some bold type there guys? I missed that.  :oops:
Grrr... Amazon just delivered a two disc version of Riverside's Anno Domini High Definition album. What's wrong with that you may be saying. Well not much really, except I hadn't studied the product listing close enough and it didn't contain the 5.1 mix DVD, but a Live DVD instead.  :roll:

So I'm still left hunting around for a copy of the 5.1 mix DVD edition. Any ideas? Anyone spotted copy looking lonely on a CD shop shelf anywhere?
Frost* / jem_of_godrey's fans are smart :)
April 14, 2010, 12:42:02 AM ... of_godfrey

Apparently jem_of_godrey's fans are as 'smart as a whip'. :)

but, jbonamassa's fans are smarter... ... of_godfrey


"What do you mean by 'stupid'?
Stupid Fight can't go out and administer an intelligence test to each person that's sending messages to a celebrity. So instead, it estimates based on several stupid indicators. Are they using twenty exclamation marks in a row? Do they endlessly use the abbreviation 'OMG'? Do they seem incapable of working out where their Shift key is? These indicators have a strong correlation with the message, and its sender, being stupid."

Gear Corner / My son's band need a PA...
December 16, 2008, 03:35:42 PM
... and I thought it'd be good to ask some of you experienced music types for advice.
Any manufacturers we should avoid etc?

They're on a fairly tight budget, as most new bands are.  8-)
We're talking hobby rather than living at this stage.

They currently play in small local pubs when they can and just use a small PA amp for vocals, the guitar, bass and drums are on their own.
Frost* / If you ordered EIMA from Classic RokShop...
November 21, 2008, 01:21:34 PM
Did you get your order?

I'm just interested to find out if those of us that are waiting are in the minority.

Edit: To clarify, I received a prompt response to my PM and I'll be getting my copy in about 10 days from now.

Copy and paste and increment your status (cos I can't create a poll)

I've been lucky and have my copy - 0
Nope, they missed me out - 1
Other Bands / Steven Wilson's Insurgentes
November 17, 2008, 01:14:23 PM
Has anyone else pre-ordered the deluxe DVDA version of Steven Wilson's solo album Insurgentes?
Looking at his website, it looks like it'll be arriving in a week or two.   :D
It also states that the deluxe version has sold out, I hope was early enough to snag one.