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Messages - boswell

Announcements / Re: Word from The Jemster
May 25, 2011, 02:31:03 PM
Knock and the door will be opened. PM and thou shalt recieve ;)
Any Other Business / Re: For your ears
May 19, 2011, 06:41:05 PM
Just had a listen. Wicked track!

Reminds me of the old Command and Conquer soundtracks.

Is that you chanting Blunders?
Any Other Business / Re: For your ears
May 19, 2011, 06:35:28 PM
Quote from: "RacingHippo"It also has the Best Title Ever.
Except possibly Chocolate Homunculus.

*goes to download daft track*

I think Popadomarockatron beats Chocolate Homunculus on two counts: firstly it's much more fun to say (quickly, repeatedly and whilst drunk, scaring the cat in the process) and secondly, I nicked Chocolate Homunculus from Peep Show (Danny Dyer's Chocolate Homunculus was Jez and Superhans' band name for all of 30 minutes).

but since you mentioned it... ... ulus-final

Oh and Hippo, I don't think anybody will topple your crown for best band name ever. Garden of Edam is just too good!

Edit: I've just noticed the link to the track is shortened to "Choc..ulus" hmmm I think I'll go with that actually.
Friends Of Frost* / Re: Chocolate Homunculus
May 19, 2011, 06:27:38 PM
Cheers Mikey :D
Announcements / Re: Word from The Jemster
May 19, 2011, 04:37:05 PM
Very well said Sawtooth.

And E.S. you're spot on with that. There's definitely a certain something about every track he does which acts as his signature. Can't put my finger on it yet (I thought it might have been that strange vocal *sigh*/squelch thing you can hear most in Wedding Day (but Milliontown and a ton of other tracks too) but I'm not sure. Anyway it's pointless pinning it down to one thing, it's a multitude, and that will mark anything he ever does I reckon. It's like when they slip crack cocaine into Pringles to make them addictive (allegedly). Jem has the auditory equivalent of a sprinkling of narcotics to make his tracks addictive.
Announcements / Re: Word from The Jemster
May 18, 2011, 07:33:22 PM
Incidentaly, has Jem had a falling out with any of the band members? I thought I saw something earlier on in the thread, but I've missed keeping up to date with the forum lately, and haven't had time to read through this thread. Perhaps I'll sit down with a glass of brandy and a King Edward (the cigar, not the potato) and catch up one day soon.
Announcements / Re: Word from The Jemster
May 18, 2011, 07:22:18 PM
Reading it I don't think he's trying to disconnect from us per se. He makes the distinction between the grassroots prog scene and the "fanbase" (us I presume). Frost to many people means one thing and one thing only, and that's largely Milliontown. For the rest of us, Frost means Jem, and we'll listen with glee to anything he produces, whether it's a 20 minute prog epic or sneezing into a mic. It's all good, and I'm sure this next batch of musical somethings will be just as delightful.

But I'd guess that "we've" become a bit of a burden to Jem, and I don't mean that in a terrible way, just that he thinks of us as his adoring fans and perhaps there's some pressure to him to conform to our expectations. Hence his absence from the forum lately, perhaps indefinitely. I don't think we've ever really been his targeted audience for the blogs or the frost reports (usually referring to us as the dear frosties, people on the forum etc. rather than "you lot"). I don't actually know who his targeted audience is, perhaps his music/producer mates, but it never seems to be just the Frosties. I've never had a problem with that before, or now really.

But we should be grateful that for such a long time we've had what felt like a personal, conversational connection with Jem. He's been a regular visitor to the forums ("fora"? always bugged me that one has) answering questions and requests like an old chum we've known for years. We've been privileged in a way, and now he's gone we're all a bit upset. I don't know if he'll start a new forum when his new stuff is out, but if he does I'll be there, along with a ton of the rest of us. I don't think he's "ditched" us. After all he's gonna need someone to buy his stuff, and who better to come to than us lot?
Friends Of Frost* / Re: Chocolate Homunculus
May 12, 2011, 08:19:00 PM
Well I changed it as per advice, and I think I've fixed most of the problems....and created some new ones which I didn't notice until after I uploaded it. They're mostly to do with the guitar EQ though, and I don't think I'll fix it now until I get a proper guitar take done, from a proper guitarist.

Anyway here is the final (for now) version ... ulus-final
Friends Of Frost* / Re: I made a Snowman
May 12, 2011, 07:58:05 PM
Thanks TA :D

Sure thing I'll set that up. I'm new to Soundcloud in the last few days or so. I think Download is unchecked by default. I'll get that sorted though, check in about 5 minutes  ;)
Friends Of Frost* / Re: I made a Snowman
May 11, 2011, 05:40:35 PM
Thanks to Gandalf for adding his vocals to Snowman ;)
Friends Of Frost* / Re: Chocolate Homunculus
May 08, 2011, 03:23:30 PM
Thanks very much :D

Should have the updated version finished soon. Got sidetracked transcribing RnL songs (bloody insanity!) but I'll have a tweak later tonight.

I actually toyed with making some sections a bit longer and adding vocals to them, but 1.) I can't sing and 2.) Even if I could, I have nothing interesting to sing about :lol:

Thanks again  :D
Announcements / Re: Word from The Jemster
May 07, 2011, 07:59:43 PM
Mr. Softsynth is going all anologue! This doesn't bode well....It bode's EXTREMELY well. Can't wait to hear what he get's up to with a load of crackly unpredictable beauties!
Friends Of Frost* / Re: Chocolate Homunculus
May 07, 2011, 06:39:17 PM
Thanks Pedro, I couldn't have asked for better constructive feedback!

QuoteIf I have to say anything I might suggest trying to "smooth the join" at 2.27 by maybe applying an effect or a longer decay to the "buzzing" ends a little abruptly.
Quotethe higher tine-like notes to the left are a little to "present"

Believe it or not, those are the two things that were bugging me from the get go.

I actually planned on having the buzzing solo bend downwards at the end, but for whatever reason the take I went with I forgot to do it. After realising the error, I put a really roomy reverb effect which eeks in right at the last note, but it doesn't do much to lengthen the note. I think I need to have a little tweak about with that.

And the twinkly tines (Healing Guitar, Korg Legacy...I usually stay away from presets, but it is a beaut!) - I had toyed with giving them the distant radio treatment too, but in the end decided it would sound nice to have some sort of foreground element, perhaps like a person playing guitar in time with the radio. Of course this doesn't work when it's a synth guitar, with pad strings layered on top :P

I'll push that back, and maybe bring in some other interesting noises towards the end.

I don't want to do the whole crackling fire and purring cat thing again like I did with Snowman, but I'll work on something ;)

Again, top notch advice Pedders, my hat is tipped to you.
This is fantastic! The gated saws actually go really nicely with the guitars. Wicked chord progression too. Love it!

Only constructive criticism I can really give, is maybe the strings (i only noticed this at the end) seem to 'jump' to the next chord. Makes them sound synthesized (although that may be what you're going for)

Would sound class with vocals too :)