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Messages - redevan101

Ask Frost* / Re: Studio design is easy!
November 08, 2012, 12:38:00 AM
love your work dude very cool
Frost* / Re: Fogey's Big Banana World Tour - Sign-Up List
September 04, 2012, 12:26:57 PM
I have had word from the woman, that its been sent today huzzah
Frost* / Re: Fogey's Big Banana World Tour - Sign-Up List
September 01, 2012, 01:36:02 PM
i've sent a message tpo ASh just waiting to hear back, hope its soonish, i'm back on the road in a few days and will hav to get the mrs to post it
please do send me the coordinates then good sir
Dont worry have found said person
Apologies guys it got caught up in forwarded mail between my old place and new place, hope you havnt thought i'd kept it, recieved  30th August tho and want to get it moved on, i searched the next person in tthe list and couldnt find them, any takers for next?
Ahoy Ahoy all people of the frost*iverse and interwebs of old
This is a Message for any Brighton or East Sussex based music fans and fans of 1800's Esoteric Awesomeness

LTA Productions Present: An Evening of Musical Splenditude"
featuring Art Rockers Ellen and The Echo
and Alt/Folk banjo totting Stark

3rd May 2012 - Fogg's Bar Brighton and Hove - 7:30pm - £3.00 Admission


1800's fashion recommended (and i know there be many a person on this forum who is partial to a top hat, moustache and a good brandy)

Tis set to be a rather spiffing night, and it would be good to see some frosties
Frost* / Re: Not much going on in Frost* land right now?
November 27, 2011, 10:22:15 PM
Considering all the events of late, that stills sounds like a lot in the frost*iverse to me
Ask Frost* / Re: Philadelphia experiment snowman
October 31, 2011, 03:26:23 PM
GOD spooky that is one of the most played things on my ipod at the moment, its damn well addictive and stuff what what
Frost* / Re: my frost*erisk is bleeding
October 28, 2011, 02:45:34 PM
i am indeed aware of all and every consequence, but i laugh in the face of inconvinience. its pretty much healed up now anyway
Frost* / my frost*erisk is bleeding
October 21, 2011, 06:42:56 PM
pictures to follow but i believed it was time to get a frosterisk tattoo done and with a new frost* universe about to expand and do general expandy universe things, i thought i'd celebrate
its not too pretty at the mo but give it a few days and i'll get a picture up
till then ta ta
Frost* / blunders in brighton
May 11, 2011, 06:27:11 PM
frost*ies i hear rumour of craig demoing roland gear in brighton this saturday any brighton frost fans fancy goin or know if its even true?
Toys / raining in my heart anyone?
January 30, 2011, 12:40:19 PM
hello gents and ladies, i seemed to have miss placed my mp3 for raining in my heart does anyone think they can point me in the right direction cheers
go for it man sign me up!
Ask Frost* / Re: Is the Islington gig still happening?
December 03, 2010, 12:19:44 AM
yes!!!! hopefulness has prevailed! i've been worrying bout it all day here in brighton its just silly