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Messages - Jamyu

Announcements / Re: I'd like to announce......
January 25, 2011, 10:17:20 PM
I finally, after 5 months searching, have a job :)

Working in a call centre helping old people and the disabled get through the digital switchover ^_^
Other Bands / Re: It Bites Tour 2011
January 18, 2011, 07:39:06 AM

I like their later stuff.

Not too keen on earlier stuff though...
Happy birthday both :)
Announcements / Re: Worldwide Frost*ies Map
January 13, 2011, 10:36:08 AM
Done! ^_^
Announcements / Re: Dixon of Dock Green
January 12, 2011, 11:40:34 PM
Hey, I'm relatively new (to the forum anyway) :P Nice to meet you ^_^
Yeah, I've come across quite a few, perhaps I'm in the minority :D
Other Bands / Re: JJ's left IQ
January 10, 2011, 12:58:50 PM
No more Jowitt?  :o  :(  :shock:  :?  :cry:
I'm surprised this hasn't been posted...
Crochet? So near to being very musical :P

I can't believe there's no album called crotchet :|

My personal favourite is the cemetary one and roger g's (particularly awesome album name for the picture)
Any Other Business / Re: Happy New Year!!
January 04, 2011, 11:49:01 AM
Happy new year all. Hope it's a good one :)
Happy birthday ^^
Friends Of Frost* / Re: Happy Christmas all
December 29, 2010, 12:24:27 PM
Quote from: "RacingHippo"Simply beautiful.
Thank you.

Indeed. Shows it doesn't matter if anything's written, if you play with what you feel, you can create the most beautiful music.

Thanks for this.
Frost* / Re: Jem's New Blog
December 29, 2010, 12:07:26 PM
Drama llama!  :shock:

I can see everyone's points ^______^

So let's agree to disagree and all have a christmas hug :)

Yes Jem's changeable (perhaps bad news for frosties), but he's told us he is, so there's no issue :)

EDIT: Christmas! Favourite presents - I got....

30th anniversary stage production of Jeff Wayne's war of the worlds! Superb!
A nice jumper ^_^
Mozart-Kugeln. Yum!!
Nice Chanel: Allure perfume from my fiancee
And also from her: Genesis - Musical Cryme. Feel spoilt ^^

What else did people get?
Frost* / Re: How did you discover Frost*?
December 17, 2010, 01:39:04 PM
Quote from: "Ecosse"I had just bought a copy of Ayreon - The Human Equation, and was looking through the little Inside Out leaflet that comes with all their releases.

Spotted Milliontown in the "New Releases" bit, thought it looked cool, so downloaded it.

Been into them since them and it's hurt my wallet.

Exactly the same with me!

Other albums I found through that insert were:

Saga - 10,000 days
Riverside - Rapid Eye Movement
IQ - Dark Matter

And other things I can't remember :P
Announcements / Re: New round here.
December 14, 2010, 04:13:28 PM
Welcome! A fellow lancashire-side guy! ^_^