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Messages - Arenarec

Frost* / Re: Frost* 3 Wishlist / Predictions
April 22, 2012, 08:37:17 PM
Nah....I live on!  Just hanging out to see if any else's light bulb comes on.   Besides, mindless blather about bisquits and cookies is such a constructive way to chew up time waiting for something of substance to happen.
Frost* / Re: Frost* 3 Wishlist / Predictions
March 18, 2012, 11:14:03 PM
Whilst reading the latest posts on this forum, it suddenly occurred to me that I have about a million better things to do with my time than to follow this bunch.  
They say a fish rots from the head down......and in this case I have to say it definitely applies.  Jem is an extremely gifted chap with some good ideas here and there, but he is all over the place, changes his mind from minute to minute, and doesn't seem to take a thing seriously......and his handful of 20 rabid followers on here who post this mindless drivel just feed the beast.  Look at yourself people......the posts are rediculous and completely without substance.  Is that really all you have to do with your time is to sit on here and go back and forth about bisquits, waiting for Jem to blather about his latest change of heart?
 Frost MAY come out with album number 3......and whatever it is, MC hammer chopped up mess, some 20 dollar Casio through a megaphone, or a full blow choir of turtles singing background vocals, you will all love it.....cause it is Jem.  
An odd bunch for sure.....i am out.
Frost* / Re: New Album Direction
February 11, 2012, 03:23:53 AM
Pretty much fruitless trying to have a coherent conversation with this bunch.  You're all mad as a spoon!
Frost* / Re: New Album Direction
February 06, 2012, 12:26:58 AM
Quote from: "danofmayz"
QuoteI for one am hoping and praying influences of The Losers don't creep too far in. From what I have heard of The Losers, it is completely void of soul and musicality......much of it sounds like those demo songs you hear in any consumer electronic keyboard or cheesy synth workstation. Very sequenced, quantized, and mechanical.

Maybe a naked man in a field playing the lute would suit you better?

Dude....that's just gross.....I don't swing that way, but thanks for the offer.  :roll:
Frost* / Re: New Album Direction
February 05, 2012, 04:55:30 PM
Quote from: "gr8gonzo"it might sound something like the "Disappear Here" album by Hybrid. Get thee to YouTube and watch "Break My Soul" by Hybrid for a taste. It's dynamic, haunting stuff. Suggesting there'll be a bit of signature Frost* sound in the mix, the band Pendulum also come to mind. Track through the Immersion album.

In short, not prog.  :D

I don't dislike Hybrid......but they are void of the rock gene.  There are similarities to Hybrid on both of the previous 2 Frost albums.....a little techno, electronica, loops. etc... but with a rock treatment.  Plus I think Jem has a much better sense of melody than Hybrid.    
I for one am hoping and praying influences of The Losers don't creep too far in.  From what I have heard of The Losers, it is completely void of soul and musicality......much of it sounds like those demo songs you hear in any consumer electronic keyboard or cheesy synth workstation.  Very sequenced, quantized, and mechanical.   But as Pedro's all about personal taste.  He also hit it on the head with two other points.....first, where Jem starts is never where he ends up......(thank god he isn't an airline pilot).....and secondly, there is little chance he will ever be influenced by anything anyone else says, which is precisely why we have two great Frost albums already.  
I am a bit different than some in that I am not one to dig everything an artist does just because I have always been a fan.
I am hoping Frost still sounds very Frost.  I liken it to any other band......fill in the blanks......take Rush as an example.....some of their albums have been very different than the rest of their body of work, but at the end of the day, like the songs or not, it is still very much Rush in every regard.  If Rush suddenly had Mandolins and Banjos on a record, it many ways it would cease to be Rush and would attract a completely different audience.
Frost* / New Album Direction
February 05, 2012, 01:39:12 PM
It will be interesting to see which direction Jem takes with this new album.
Depending on the day, I go back and forth on which of the first two was better.  The debut was certainly more "progressive rock" in some sense, and had brilliant moments, but EIMA was more song oriented, to the point, and more focused to a degree.  I also thought the addition of Dec Burke on the second album gave the album a whole new dimension because of his range.  Ok.....I think I just talked myself into EIMA being my favorite. (slightly!)
Subsequently, when he released The Dividing Line, I have to be honest, at the risk of being slammed for not being a fan boy, that song did nothing for me.  It was too eclectic and scattered for my taste.
I am hoping Jem takes what was done on the first two and takes it to the next step instead of taking a hard left.  I am also looking forward to hearing the result of using some larger studios for some of the recording....that can tend to take things like drums etc to the next level.
Other Bands / Beyond The Bridge
February 05, 2012, 01:20:52 PM
I am always looking for good new prog music, so I feel compelled to spread the word when I find a new band that turns my head.
Not sure if anyone here has discovered this or not....the bands name is "Beyond The Bridge", and the album is called "The Spirit And The Old Man".   This is a new band out of Germany.  It is hard to put a label on their's very modern and updated prog with heavy guitars, two great keyboard players, melody and 2 vocalists who can actually SING, and fantastic songwriting.  I wasn't all that taken with the sound clips on line but since I got the CD a couple of weeks ago I can't get enough!  This is a freaking EPIC record.  I am quite confident this will be in the running for album of the year in 2012.
These clips show the heavier side......but the album is actually fairly well balanced between mellower melodic and in your face.  Love it!

These clips