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Messages - MadeOutOfCats

I have to go out on my bike,
I'm singing "one, two" in the mike
If Frost* were a mammal, it would be:
A Hippo, a rodent or small flea.
A flea's not a mammal
Frost* / Re: Frost*vent calendar!
December 24, 2012, 10:41:37 AM
Just wanted to add my thanks and congratulations to Pedro and team for the calendar; it's almost been like having the Frost* reports to look forward to all over again.

Speaking of which, here's hoping we've been good enough for a Christmas treat behnd door 25...
Pedro's worried about forum attendance
No, reacting to chat correspondents
But it's OK, we're here
Or lurking just near
Ask Frost* / Re: high voltage
March 19, 2011, 09:07:59 AM
Looks like NDV definitely won't be with The Beard at HV: they've just announced that Ted Leonard will be standing in. Mixed feelings about that - I'd prefer NDV, but I thought Ted was good the only time I've seen him. (With Enchant supporting Spock's Beard, of course  :). )

Also, it looks like SB might be playing a few more dates around that time. I went to see Steve Lukather at Manchester Academy last night, and they were advertising that SB would be playing there in July. (Of course I didn't write the date down, and I can't find any confirmation on the web this morning :(.)
I think that we're all rather shocked,
And that the Frost*ie boat has been rocked
Our gasts have been flabbered
Our Hutts have been Jabba'd
Announcements / Re: Frost* Derby DVD - PLEASE READ!
January 11, 2011, 07:22:49 PM
Quote from: "Jem"... there's one channel of hiss...

That's what you get for using an analog pram   ;)
Ask Frost* / Re: forget you song lyric AGAIN!
December 24, 2010, 03:31:15 PM
Jem answered this one a while ago here.
Frost* / Re: Jem's New Blog
December 24, 2010, 11:11:43 AM
Well (blog)spotted, Julie.

It's great to see Jem upbeat again in the inimitable Godfrey style. However, the bit about
Quote from: "Jem Godfrey"For the last 10 years I've done a lot of pop and a lot of rock. I've had a load fun and did ok from it. However, I feel like I need a break from all that now. I'm fresh out of love and ideas.
does seem to confirm that we're not going to get a whole lot of Frost* in 2011. Thank Godfrey 2010 was such a corker...
Seems the snow will mean gifts won't arrive
And some turkeys might get to survive
The cloud's shiny edge
More pram in the wedge!

The weather will again turn so chilly,
In Derby it really was silly.
The monkeys were brass
The gigs are all over for now,
Wipe a tear as our boys take their bow.
But wait, there's one more
'Though not Frost* anymore
It's three parts Frost* and two parts Kino

We're waiting for the DVD
Gigs / Re: Frost* Manchester Academy Videos.
December 10, 2010, 08:17:26 AM
Quote from: "D S"Many thanks for posting these, Fogeyspasm!  Great videos and sound.  Brings back lots of happy memories of Saturday.  8-)
What he said! Many thanks for sharing, Fogeyspasm  :D
the big week is nearly upon us!
Where I live, it came without fuss,
Frost*ies are sooo excited
Their eyes all gaily up-lighted
As they wait for Dr oKtopUs

Blunders needs more pram in the wedge
Frost* / Re: Black Live Machine Frost* report
December 08, 2010, 03:38:48 PM
Excellent! So glad to see that Jem's partial withdrawal from The World Of Web didn't kill off the Frost* Reports.

Here's the YouTube link.