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Messages - progbitch

Great news! The pre-order for the 25th anniversary box set of The Wake by IQ is finally open.

The deluxe box set contains 4 discs that have been lovingly compiled from sources far and wide. Contents include:

The Wake album remastered from start to finish
Demos and out-takes from  the original recording sessions
A DVD of ultra rare video footage from 1984
60 page full colour booklet featuring archive photos
and more!

Also, there is now an official IQ twitter feed up and running:

Add us to your feed to keep up to date with the pre-order despatch, find out more about the box set and maybe hear the odd piece of gossip.

IQ - The band that's not just for Xmas gigs
Other Bands / Re: IQ Christmas Bash
December 14, 2008, 06:02:24 PM
Great gig, usually that one finishes off the gig season for me but hooray, we have next week as well.

Nice to meet you Wicked Witch, in the loos of course, where girls go to gossip and change into fancy dress.  :lol:

I hope you noticed Peter Nicholls getting into the spirit of things by lobbing out some Tunnocks Tea Cakes.

Most amusing moment: Peter N introducing Nick D'Virgilio as Dick!

Award for sheer bloody mindedness: Mark Westworth doing the whole gig as The Stig, he couldn't hear a thing through the helmet!

Best gig moment: A hugely stonking version of the Wake that threatened to crush me against the totally unnecessary barrier

Some photos:

Nick - ... =slideshow

IQ - ... =slideshow
Other Bands / Re: Killers
December 03, 2008, 02:45:00 PM
Many, many 80s influences on the new Killers. It seems like an album that I would have listened to a lot when I was a bit younger but perhaps less so now. Time will tell.
Other Bands / Re: Jump
December 03, 2008, 02:41:10 PM
Fantastic band, highly entertaining. John Dexter Jones managed to keep a crowd's attention for a good hour at the Peel earler this year when the power failed. No mean feat when all you have to light the room is the soundman's torch.

Definitely recommended
Other Bands / Re: IQ Christmas Bash
December 03, 2008, 02:38:23 PM
I'll be there - in fancy dress.

Be prepared for Glowsticks and don't forget that Nick D'V goes on at the unfeasibly early time of 6.30 pm.

Official IQ board meet is in the Pillars of Hercules from about 3pm onwards, do join us.
Any Other Business / Re: Peter Nicholls
November 24, 2008, 06:09:02 PM
Quote from: "wickedwitch"i would so love to hear a recording of this gig. x

See me at The Peel. If you don't know who I am, ask Mick.

John did a fine job on Saturday. Obviously he's not Peter and obviously he had very little time to learn songs he never thought he'd sing but given the circumstances, a very creditable performance.

The good news is that it looks like Pete's good for Bury this weekend.
Other Bands / Re: The Sweet
November 24, 2008, 06:03:36 PM
The Sweet were highly under-rated, lumped in with Glam and other bubblegum pop bands when they actually could play and write. Desolation Boulevard is the album to get if you want to venture out of 'Best Of' territory.

I sadly had a front row seat to Brian Connolly's later decline - a textbook case of the things overindulgence can do to a person - He was a regular at my local pub in his last few years. Every Sunday lunchtime he'd turn up in his Rolls Royce and stand at the end of the bar nursing a soft drink. Always a gentleman and with a quiet dignity despite his failing health. His passing touched a lot of people.
Other Bands / Re: 3 (Three)
November 24, 2008, 05:52:24 PM
Agreed, a very good album. I keep seeing it in my itunes and thinking I've got to play it again. So I'll go and do it now.
Other Bands / Re: Pure Reason Revolution
November 24, 2008, 05:50:02 PM
PRR rocked in Aschaffenburg at the weekend. I couldn't see them at all owing to the preponderence of tall Germans but that just meant that I could concentrate on the sound, which from the back of the Colos-Saal was stunning. Much better than when I saw them in London last year
Frost* / Re: EIMA on iTunes?
November 19, 2008, 07:16:14 PM
I got it from emusic because I couldn't wait and happened to have credits there. I'll still buy a hard copy, as it were, because I want the fancy version with all the trimmings.
Quote from: "MikeEvs"My Own Worst Enemy (Christian Slater plays a secret agent who's had a 2nd personality implanted in his brain that he doesn't know about till things start going wrong)

Don't get too into it, it just got cancelled.  :(
Frost* / Re: Trying to buy EIMA..
November 13, 2008, 08:15:56 PM
Likewise, been using paypal on and off for a good number of years. I'll grab one from you at Aschaff if you'd be so kind. BTW I am that well known ligger Polly P under another alias just in case you were wondering.
Any Other Business / Re: MANGROVE + CREDO at the PEEL!
November 12, 2008, 11:12:36 PM
Yep,good band. I'll be there.
I thought that the 3rd series of Dexter had lost it a bit but then I mainlined the most recent 3 episodes and have to say that it's back up to speed again.

Must see:

Mad Men - Advertising agency in the 60s, beautifully filmed and a real contrast to the jump cut MTV stylings of most modern series'

Friday Night Lights - You don't have to get American football ( I sure don't). Jut enjoy one of the best ensemble dramas around.

Must Must See:

True Blood - Horrifyingly addictive and the closest I've seen to porn on TV. I've bought (and read) 8 books off the back of this series, never mind the 3 albums I had to get from itunes. Vampires are now seriously cool.
Frost* / Re: The Peel Xmas gig roll call
November 12, 2008, 10:55:47 PM
Count me in, bought my tix weeks ago.....And It Bites too.

Course it helps to live 15 minutes away from the Peel, makes it a complete no brainer.