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Messages - The Cosmic Lawnmower

Frost* / Re: Gigs
June 24, 2015, 04:01:29 PM
Another vote for The Brook (Southampton) here too!
They've just had a new floor put in too, although I don't know if that's a vote clincher!
Gigs / Re: Frost*Bites 16th December 2012
December 18, 2012, 12:53:08 PM
From our perspective, we totally underestimated how getting into the venue would be and found ourselves quite some way back in the queue and subsequently not in the best of vantage points when we got in. However from what we could see it was a cracking show I thought both bands played really well. I felt some sympathy for JM who was battling a throat ailment but he was a real trooper and kept it going, it always makes things so much harder work singing when you're a little under the weather like that so respect due.
Great sound I thought, good clarity but not too loud.
Just a shame about the view... bloody low stages!
I think we only managed a few hello's this time, but to those we did meet, good to see ya and to those we missed we'll try harder next time round, although unfortunately we're gonna miss Celebrate2 as we'll be in the US chasing tornadoes.
Other Bands / Re: Threshold - The Peel & Mr Kyps
July 16, 2012, 12:54:07 PM
Anyone know when Threshold's postponed gig at The Peel from earlier this year will be rescheduled??
Result! The predicted overnight heavy gales seemed to have passed us by further out in the English Channel, it's relatively calm here on ol' Wighty at the mo, even got a bit of blue sky and sun.
All bodes well for an uneventful crossing to England...yay!

See you later my Frost*ie chums; boy am I looking forward to this!!  :D
Quote from: "Mikey"
Quote from: "The Cosmic Lawnmower"Living on an island has it's drawbacks at times..

What's it like living on an island?  ;)

 :idea: Maybe I am an island

Generally fine, although I don't really know any different as I've always been here!
Guess it can be a little insular  :?

I thought no man was an island? Well according to John Donne anyway...
Frost* / Re: Frost*ie Forum T-Shirts (At last)
December 12, 2011, 09:07:11 PM
Quote from: "Mouse"No sign of mine yet, but I have every faith in the Merch Queen.  :)
+1  ;)
Getting slightly anxious about the weather; severe gales predicted on the south coast for Thurs/Fri... I really hope that doesn't stop the ferries from running, or else we'll be buggered. Living on an island has it's drawbacks at times.  :|

Fingers crossed we'll see all you good Frost*ie folks on Friday night.
Thanks guys, naturally I will do my utmost on the cake front.

Having a day off working on my prog epic!!

Hope to see some of you at The Peel for the Crimbo gig.

Other Bands / Re: Arena
October 13, 2011, 12:42:25 PM
Gotta say I thought they played a cracking set at Summers End good to see JM & JJ together again and I thought the new(ish) singer Paul Manzi was excellent.
Quote from: "Pedro"Hi,
Just a brief note to recommend you check-out this band. They blew the roof off Summer's End this year, bagging the first ever opening band encore.
The lead guitarist Luke Machin (should that say machine? he's insanely talented) and Dan the similarly brilliant bass player had already appeared with The Tangent on the day before but I don't think anyone was prepared for just how good all of the band were going to be. This was a bunch of early twenty-somethings playing some really good sounding, intricate stuff.
One to watch for the future.

There's a few demos on their Facebook page - I thoroughly commend them to the house... ... 8091127385

Pedders x

I totally concur with Pedders review, the guys blew me away! I think if their album had been ready for purchase they'd have made a killing!
I thought Luke was very much like a young Francis Dunnery in the It Bites days, and on checking out Luke's FaceyB page it seems that indeed Mr Dunnery was something of an influence, there's also some pics of him on stage with Frank... I'd like to see a widdle-off (excuse the phrase) between those two!
Frost* / Re: Frost*ie Forum T-Shirts (At last)
October 13, 2011, 12:21:07 PM
Well, order placed - I suddenly became aware that 'The Cosmic Lawnmower' is quite a long moniker... hope my back is wide enough!
QuoteOn that occasion, Dec's voice was so shot by the end when they were about to do a progged-up rendition of "Merry Christmas Everybody" that Jem just asked if anyone in the audience wanted to do it - which was how we were introduced to the highly-talented Cosmic Lawnmower :)

You're very kind Sir!  ;)

Must admit I'd love a re-run!!  :)
Any Other Business / Re: Musical Cock-Ups
September 12, 2011, 01:24:44 PM
In my previous band we were doing a cover of BOC's 'Don't Fear the Reaper' and got to the part in the middle where there's an instrumental (album version!)... usually everything stops on the big minor chord and the guitar arpeggio heralds the start of the instrumental... however on this one occasion there was the big minor chord then... silence followed by a clearly audible exclamation of "oh fuck it!" from the guitar player, all eyes burned on him, he'd gone completely blank, I had to quietly say "it goes like this" and surreptitiously play the lick, this was enough to stir his memory after which he took up the cudgel again and we seamlessly finished the rest of the song.
Although the silence seemed an age, it was probably only a few seconds... and it was weird as the audience were either very gracious (unlikely) or didn't notice, anyway we got away with it!

Obviously it's still my duty to remind my guitar playing friend of his bout of amnesia on occasions.
Well now, please excuse my tardiness, but I thought I'd better register confimation that The Lawnmower and The Mallet will be in attendance, phonecall to Twang placed and tickets duly purchased as soon as the news broke!

Boy is this exciting and unexpected, which makes it even more exciting!!

Probably won't stay over, will just catch the stupid-o'clock ferry back to Wighty.

Look forward to seeing all you jolly chaps & chapesses again.


Other Bands / Re: Todd Rundgren / Utopia
July 13, 2011, 12:39:59 PM
Quote from: "Mouse"Oh, to live in/near London and have a decent paying job...  :(

As I mentioned, there is a Manchester show too, which I guess is a bit more doable from Hull.  ;)