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Messages - willie carson

Gigs / Re: Frost* Peel - Spare Tickets? Offers & Requests
September 20, 2011, 11:26:18 PM
Desperate for two tickets if anyone has any I would be extremely grateful if you would consider me for them please. just seen blunders at his drum clinic. made me realise I have to go to the gig!!! Free beer on top of any price wanted for tickets! Cheers Bren
Announcements / Blunders' Roland demo
September 19, 2011, 07:29:37 PM
Just to let u all know that Mr Blundel is doing his Roland v drums clinic at Dawsons in Manchester tomorrow night 630 ish start. cu there!
Damn and blastations!!!  Just returned from my jollies and seen the news about the gig and its selling out.  Absolutely gutted.  The gig last December was the best gig I have ever been to.  This was after being rushed into hospital the day of the 09 CRS gig and then JM getting stuck on the M6 after being burgled. Never thought I'd have the opportunity to see the band again.  I know it's a long shot but does anyone have two spare tickets going for sale?  Any help would be gratefully received.   :cry:  :cry:  :cry:
Announcements / Manchester 2 spare tickets for sale
December 04, 2010, 02:47:40 AM

I've got 2 spare tickets if anyone needs them and is paying on the door. Please pm me if you are interested.I paid £17.50 for them will sell for £13 each to save someone a few quid.

Thanks to everyone for your advice.  Some of the kit you are suggesting looks amazing but I think I only want to spend a few hundred quid to start me off. What do you reckon to a 2nd hand Yamaha MM6? I only need it for home playing and recording. Looks good value but probably a bit cheap for you guys!!  400 quid  new so watching a couple on ebay for I expect the 300 mark.  Is that a fair price?  As I said I have a bass, strat and 8 track with built in drums.  Do I need a workstation or for the ease of use and value just get one like the yammy anyway?  Cheers.
Hi Jem and Frosties

I need a bit of keyboard advice pretty please. I've been playing guitar since a kid (now 38) bought a bass recently and started recording on a Zoom MRS08 8 track digital recorder (not that hi tech I know but it does me fine for the time being). I want to get a keyboard coz it's not prog without one! I can play a bit (grade 1 at 11!) my career peak was playing hunting the whale on a 17grand harpsichord in Wordsworth house, Cockermouth.  Very Prog I thought! Any suggestions please?  Don't want to spend a fortune.  Looked at ebay but just get confused. Any help would be greatly received.  Many thanks.  Looking forward to the Manchester Academy gig.  Bringing 6 frost virgins along.  I feel like a frost evangelist sometimes.......
Announcements / New Frost* T shirts for sale.
July 09, 2009, 03:07:02 PM
Hi All

Just received my Frost* consignment of t shirts, gig cd, beannie etc.  All arrived super fast.  Cheers Nellie.  My excitement in the office (amid enquiries of who the hell are frost) soon turned to despair when a quick trip to the bog showed that my gut had miraculously grown overnight!  Problem is I took a punt on the sizing. No XLs were available.  So I've got a Milliontown t shirt in light grey, and a white t shirt with black sleeves with a multi coloured frosticle on the front and frost in small letters on the back  (not sure if pics are still on the shop hence description) both size large.  I'm sorry if I've broken forum rules by offering these for sale but would anyone like to buy them from me?  Please PM me if you are interested.  Shame to waste them.  :(
Announcements / Re: I love Saline becuase.......
January 26, 2009, 10:33:03 PM
Gota get 16ish of the blighters out shortly.  I was thinking of making a Frost* organic fairtrade necklace out of them! Any takers? :lol:  Or maracas.........?
Announcements / I love Saline becuase.......
January 22, 2009, 09:56:28 AM kept me nourished whilst in hospital for a week with trapped kidney stones! Every time I saw the little bag dripping me liquid food I thought of the CRS gig I was about to miss/ had just missed.  I need some new Frost* gig news/goodies to cheer me up!   :cry: