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Messages - Gman

Ask Frost* / Re: Vocal effect in BLM
July 22, 2009, 08:35:49 AM
Quotebasically it's a lot of top end with the bottom rolled off then de-ess the shit out of it. Once you have that, reverse the vocal and print it with a straight hall reverb set to about 3 seconds and the mix set to 100% wet.

Then reverse that. You'll end up with forwards vocals rushing towards you. All you've got to do then is match it up with the original vocals and you've got classic Deep Thought.

Aha...muchos gracias Mr G  :D
Ask Frost* / Vocal effect in BLM
July 21, 2009, 12:24:51 PM
Can anyone tell me what vocal effect(s) are used in BLM - specifically around the 5.30 section?

Kind of sounds like backwards and forwards reverb with very faint flanging but I'm not sure.


Announcements / Re: EBAY AUCTION NOW OPEN!
July 21, 2009, 11:52:16 AM
Ooooooh goodies!!

Is the promo Milliontown CD in a cardboard envelope type thingy or a case? Looks like a cardboard thingy but can't really tell.

What's the score with the PT masters...are they the individual instrument wav tracks or single track? Would I be able to lob them into a DAW and hear the individual tracks? Sorry for the Thickie McThick question!


Any Other Business / Re: Musical Skill
July 15, 2009, 10:34:33 AM
I think the definition of musical skill has been covered pretty well..and far more eloquently than I could muster!

However on the subject of music having value - it's my experience that children who play musical instruments tend to display far greater social skills and far less anti-social behaviour than those that do not.

With todays very prevalent anti-social, 'me me me' attitudes - we would benefit from having as many musical children as possible!

There have been numerous studies in the US that children that play musical instruments also do better at school, suffer less alcohol and drug related issues and tend to go on to have top level jobs. My memory on this is very fuzzy but something to do with 75% of the workers in Silicon Valley play musical instruments of some sort.

In short...yes, musical absolutely has value to children and society.

Announcements / Re: My new blog
July 06, 2009, 07:16:20 PM
Dear Mr TBE - after showing my wife a clip of you recording drums with Frost, she now thinks your "hot".


....I'll still be following your blog anyway, but please try and keep your alleged "hotness" in check.

Thanks  :lol:
Thanks Roger  :D
Fushi is the name of my "band"...I say "band" because at the moment it's just me and my other half.

We've written 3 songs so far: //


I'd be interested to know what you guys think...eeeeek!

The songs are really just demos - done in Sonar using a variety of plugins. The vocals could do with being done again - these were the guide vocals....however we'd like to do the job properly, which brings me to.....

....We're tentatively looking for a guitarist to play the stuff and write with - so if you like what we've done so far, get in touch. We're looking for someone that is creative and can write/come up with ideas. We have a drummer that's happy to get involved when the time comes.

We're moving in a harder, more proggy direction - think Frost/Evanescence with splashes of It Bites poppiness!

We're based in the Midlands and have a small rehearsal/recording studio in the garden! If you're interested, get in touch through the usual channels (pm, reply, messenger pigeon, smoke signals etc).


Announcements / Re: Temporary hiatus
July 01, 2009, 09:39:29 PM
My dear other half had her gall bladder removed last year. Apparently it was the size of a grapfruit (should be the size of a golf ball) and the largest they'd removed via keyhole surgery.

To say she was in agony would be an understatement. Considering she'd given birth just 3 months before, I'd say the birth was easier!!

So, you have our sincerest sympathies and our bestest well wishes for a speedy recovery.


PS - after the op we wondered how many internal organs you could have removed and still function...bizarre thought really!
Frost* / Re: Jem doing gigs in September!
June 30, 2009, 11:21:05 PM
Any news on the Stratford, t'other half and two posh mates would attend...and possibly the father in law too!


PS - sorry for not posting for aaaaages  :oops:
Apparently he went to the Doctors saying he felt a bit green around the gills but they just told him to hoppit!
QuoteAnd Better Job = Better Stuff.

Or just 'even more stuff'.
As John M and Jem noted during their radio interview (in a Frost report somewhere) - it's all about "songs".

I've just started writing more proggy stuff (with my dear other half) and we have a rough plan for a long idea how long it will be, but it will only be as long as it needs to, to get the story across. I reckon it will probably hit 15 mins.
Frost* / Re: Well this is nice.
November 07, 2008, 04:03:35 PM
Well hello all!

Ahhh biscuits...mmmm. I've got a packet of warm chocolate hobnobs here - I've been hanging on to them on my way over here!

G  :D