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Topics - JakeWorrell

QuoteI sent Blunders drumless versions of Hyperventilate and Pocket Sun today. I expect he plans to do them live at some point. Keep an eye out.

Very interesting if you ask me. Discuss...  :D
Toys / Stems
April 07, 2011, 09:47:20 PM
ow do!

I wouldn't mind having a go at making a "the other me" remix at some point with all the free time I don't seem to have these days ;)

Are the stems available somewhere or have people generally just re-recorded the parts themselves in the past?

Other Bands / The Big Red Spark
March 31, 2011, 03:46:35 PM
I finally got around to ordering the aforementioned album from tinyfish at the weekend

It arrived at pretty much the same time as a rather unpleasant tummy bug.

I feel the need to say that it is excellent and has cheered my up no end - I urge you all to buy it immediately. The Big Red Spark that is. I'd avoid the tummy bug if possible.
Toys / Black Live Machine Artwork
March 27, 2011, 12:47:04 AM
I was wondering if any high res artwork exists that was intended for the cover of the BLM DVD that might be suitible for making into a desktop wallpaper

the sort of thing I was meaning is like the poster on the most recently (I avoid saying 'the last' to remain optomistic) blog post. i.e:

I'll do any work necessary to make it into a wallpaper and share it on here (of course) if anyone knows where I could get some suitable source material. No biggie if its not available but I thought it worth an ask. What with it being awesome and all that.
Hi All,

I have been recently working on a song for my band Futureshock. We gig once every 3 or 4 years and generally go for months practicing the same songs over and over and then get fed up with each other and stop for a while.

So anyway since you are all wonderful and lovely I wondered if anyone would be interested in having a little listen. Its devoid of any vocals current and is still a work in progress. The most exciting thing about it to me is that it features my first experiment outside of 4/4 (7/8 I think) and luckily it doesn't necessarily feel 'tacked on', to me at least.

We try to "fuse" electronic music with rock music. Thats the intention anyway.

I would really love to hear your comments and suggestions - whether it be about the song writing or the mix or anything at all.
Anyway enough of my letters, words and other characters. here it is:


Might need to work on the title too.
Frost* / Frost* Tour EP
March 05, 2011, 12:10:42 AM
OK first off apologies for filling the forum with my rubbish so much recently :P

Main thing though. Does anyone have any idea where I might get hold of one (or 4) of those lovely tour EP's that I so deeply regret not getting to a tour date and buying?

I keep checking on ebay randomly - nothing but celtic frost and some cd about phone booths called 'milliontown'.

Any other ideas? Anyone got a surplus?
Frost* / Therapy
March 04, 2011, 12:50:28 PM
I wondered if anyone will be providing therapy sessions for those who (like me) are struggling to come to terms with the (hopefully temporary - there goes my denial again) demise of Frost*

It feels not totally unlike being dumped, though we could all probably sense it coming it is not at all pleasant. For me it doesn't really help that I was still going through a mega Frost* high following the literally amazing gig at Derby Uni last year.

I feel like one of those stupid teenage girls that cried when Robbie left Take That. What a loser.

Anyway I'm ready to sign up if there any psychiatrists available.
Friends Of Frost* / Songwriting techniques
March 02, 2011, 12:21:47 PM
Howdy partners!

Here's a question for you, I'd be quite interested to hear about everyone's approach to songwriting. I'm reletively new to songwriting myself and often end up writing music and then chickening out at the lyric stage. Does anyone else encounter these issues and if so how do you combat them?

Also has anyone tried the "ghost song" method of writing? It sounds interesting to me because it sounds like a great way to kickstart a song.

Do you lovely people start with music first or lyrics? I tend to start with music but then I think the vocal melodies suffer because of this.

Anyway, discuss - I am keen to hear your thoughts :)
Other Bands / Kino
February 22, 2011, 10:10:16 PM
I kind of dismissed Kino initiall simply because I thought "they can't be as good as Frost*". Well that may well be the case but I finally had a quick listen on youtube and now am a bit obsessed with with "All you see" - Cracking vocals from Johnny Mitchell I must say.

Thats the limited edition CD ordered now. Can't wait.
Frost* / I miss the frost reports
January 23, 2011, 12:25:32 AM
There, I said it!

I just happened to pop on YouTube and watch a few bits of Jems attempt at 24 hours of working on mixing for eima and it made me realise how much I miss them. I don't mind admitting I'm a geek and love to see all aspects of the creative process and the ups and downs of it all.

I just hope that once Jem is all ready and fired up again that the good old frost reports will return also. No rush Jem if you're reading, the delicious blend of tea that is frost needs to brew a bit in order to maximise flavour I think we all understand that.

But long live frost, and the frost reports says I!
Gear Corner / Cubase 6
January 14, 2011, 12:51:54 PM
So It has been announced,

Are there any other Cubase users here that think the new features list is somewhat underwhelming? I for one am relieved - Cubase upgrades are expensive business!
Gear Corner / Alchemy
January 09, 2011, 09:44:02 PM
Howdy Chaps and Ladychaps,
I'm wresting with the idea of purchasing the rather splendid Alchemy. However as a music hobbyist its rather an expensive thing to do. I wondered if anyone here has it and whether they find they still use it a great deal or not?

What I'm worried about is buying it and then only using it about 5 times.

I have Lennardigital Sylenth and use it all the time - I was hoping alchemy would give me something from the other side of the spectrum ie more pads and big wide open sounds.

It also looks fun for sound design which is something i'd like to start doing a bit more.

Any thoughts?

frost you very much!