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Messages - Big Black Shed

Frost* / Re: Frost*ie Forum T-Shirts (At last)
November 29, 2011, 07:16:20 PM

VitP is a genius.

That is all. Carry on.
Other Bands / Re: PRR
November 29, 2011, 07:59:04 AM
I've never had the opportunity to see them live. Missed the boat now.No chance of getting to London on Wednesday.

You'll just have to put them on the Dead Nobodies playlist soon. ;-)
An hour after for me, please.
Calm down, calm down. 3 weeks.
Announcements / Re: I'd like to announce......
November 23, 2011, 04:14:17 PM
Quote from: "johninblack"
Quote from: "Bert"
Quote from: "johninblack"Doing my HGV theory and hazard perception tests tomorrow, wish me luck!!

Good luck JiB  :D  :D
Thanks mate, passed the theory (95%) but failed the hazard perception so be rebooking that asap :)

The only hazard you will likely come up against is: "Will my lorry fit through there." Answer: "Lets have a go and see"
Toys / Re: Black Live Machine Artwork
November 22, 2011, 10:39:14 PM
Quote from: "johninblack"
Quote from: "Big Black Shed"*Why????(Risking a Hippo backlash) ;)

Imminent I'm sure

To paraphrase Roger.

I forgot.

+1 for curry.  :oops:  :oops:
Right. As the title of the topic says: Frost* Christmas 2011 AGM Post Gig Curry Puty-Namey-Downy-Thread.

It has been mentioned in a few other threads that there maybe someway of organising a post gig curry. This was to ensure the debarcle of 2008 was not repeated. In short Keith deciding he "needed" a curry, promptly followed by a bunch of Frost*ies following him around Kingston. No curry was consumed. We couldn't believe the lack of Hot Spiced Food Establishments in Kingston. Only to awaken the following morning to find the street outside the hotel (Travelodge Chessington Tolworth) lined with late night food outlets of foreign origin.

James (LivingForever) did, I believe, offer to try to find a curry house willing to stop open late. What with local knowledge and the fact it was his idea. (Thanks for volunteering James.  ;)  ;)  ;) )

Quote from: "LivingForever"Ok then... how's about we all meet for beers at the Peel from, um... opening time!

And then post-gig I suggest I try the nearest curry house, and I will see if I can get them to stay open for us.

Can anyone who's interested in post-gig curry send me a PM so I can get numbers?



For this he needs firm numbers. Nowhere is going to stop open for 4 or 5 people, the last count.

So, put your name down on here if post gig curry is your thing. No promises that this will happen, it's all dependant on numbers. And James. (Lets be nice to him, he's got Man-Flu. Unless Karin has killed him for ringing his Man-Flu bell too much)

Any Other Business / Re: Any tips on what to do at 40?
November 22, 2011, 12:11:49 PM
You could try this:

Watch the series.

WARNING: Not safe for work / children.
Toys / Re: Black Live Machine Artwork
November 22, 2011, 12:04:09 PM
Quote from: "Drarok"How hi-res is your copy, Mouse? I have an 1131x1600 image, wouldn't mind better source material to work from though.

I "made" this tonight:

Wallpaper file if you want it:
iPhone 4, 4S, newer iPod Touches
iPhone 3GS, older iPod Touches

Thanks. Now adorning an iPhone near you. Other smart phones are available.*

*Why????(Risking a Hippo backlash) ;)
Frost* / Re: Frost* AGM Accommodation Conundrum
November 15, 2011, 10:25:40 PM
Quote from: "sawtooth"
Quote from: "Big Black Shed"
Quote from: "sawtooth"
Quote from: "Big Black Shed"He threatened to smother me with a pillow but he couldn't find me between the layers of mattress.

He got his own back in Wath at The BOTY Awards thingy a few weeks later. He sounds like a chainsaw revving.

I hope you two aren't next door to me then! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Nope. Flying solo on this one. The Gig BuddyTM is otherwise engaged. So it will be snoring in purist mono.

But who'll rescue you from the Shed-Eating Mattress? :D

If I'm not out of the clutches of the clam by breakfast time, please come and rescue me. ;)  ;)  ;)
Frost* / Re: Frost* AGM Accommodation Conundrum
November 15, 2011, 11:34:30 AM
Quote from: "sawtooth"
Quote from: "Big Black Shed"He threatened to smother me with a pillow but he couldn't find me between the layers of mattress.

He got his own back in Wath at The BOTY Awards thingy a few weeks later. He sounds like a chainsaw revving.

I hope you two aren't next door to me then! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Nope. Flying solo on this one. The Gig BuddyTM is otherwise engaged. So it will be snoring in purist mono.
Frost* / Re: Frost* AGM Accommodation Conundrum
November 15, 2011, 12:59:39 AM
Quote from: "RacingHippo"
Quote from: "Big Black Shed"I retaliated by snoring all night.  :twisted:
He needs to get you one of these.

The gentle nudging of the bear wouldn't have any effect. When my house was re-roofed a few years back I worked night shifts. I managed to sleep through the tiles being taken off, battens nailed back on, and the new tiles being cut with a petrol disc cutter. Outside the bedroom window.

A corpse has more life in it than I do whilst sleeping. I laugh in the face of nuclear war.
Frost* / Re: Frost* AGM Accommodation Conundrum
November 15, 2011, 12:52:53 AM
He threatened to smother me with a pillow but he couldn't find me between the layers of mattress.

He got his own back in Wath at The BOTY Awards thingy a few weeks later. He sounds like a chainsaw revving.
Frost* / Re: Frost* AGM Accommodation Conundrum
November 14, 2011, 10:27:01 PM
Finally booked Travelodge Kingston Central. Bloody server kept crashing.

Hopefully the bed is firmer that the one at Chessington Tolworth. That one swallowed me like a clam.

 The Gig BuddyTM nearly choked with laughter when I couldn't get out again.

I retaliated by snoring all night.  :twisted: