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Topics - EVP

Any Other Business / Genesis get Rickrolled
September 05, 2009, 02:26:35 PM
Gear Corner / Open Labs gear with Pro Tools
September 05, 2009, 05:39:51 AM
Alright Jem did you have anything to do with this? ... iko-dbeat/

Sure is a coincidence they are announcing this not long after your endorsement  ;)

I think it's fab actually. If only I had the cash for a NeKO.  Too bad the folks at Apple are stuffy gits
otherwise it would be cool to have a Mac inside one of these.

Funny the music in the video is mildly Jem/FROST* like too.
Gear Corner / LOGIC 9 IS OUT
July 23, 2009, 04:08:39 PM
oh my I think I just soiled myself.

And figures not enough time to run to the Apple store before work :(
Gear Corner / Help me I got G.A.S.
July 20, 2009, 03:22:21 PM
Gear Acquisition Syndrome -  the new bass edition

So I got my raise finally and got paid Friday. I was thinking about getting some new strings
for my steinberger bass when I found myself browsing through bass guitars and then quite
unexpectedly that moment came to. It was almost like meeting that hot new girl and being taken
by surprise.  I've never been a big Ibanez guitar fan but I always admired their 6 string basses
and I suddenly found one that caught my eye. I began to think maybe it was time to get
an extended range bass and get a little adventurous again.

I left it for the day and went to work. Saturday I literally spent all day doing my homework
on the internet finding every review, picture and youtube video that I could. It drove me
batty as I spent time comparing other 6 stringers in the lower price range.  Finally late
last night I pulled the trigger. No opportunity to try one in person locally where I live
so I'm taking the chance. I feel quite confident I won't be disappointed based on everything.
I can always return it but I doubt I will be wanting to do that.

I'm waiting shipping confirmation from AMS and it will be on my doorstep
by this time tomorrow.  I will be back with my review.
Any Other Business / Scary day to be out!
July 11, 2009, 10:28:12 PM
I truly know now what it's like to have your life flash before your eye's....LITERALLY.

I knew it was going to storm today but stupid me I decided to go out anyway.
I needed to get gas so I stopped at our local gas station. AS I was filling up
rather nervously wishing for the pump to pump faster, a bolt of lighting
struck really close by. Too close for comfort in fact. Myself and a few other
people ducked and I went to the ground. The gas nozzle was still in my truck.
At this moment I thought I was going to f**king DIE. The bright purple flash
and 'explosion' was so quick I had no idea were it hit. I got up as quick as I could
and hung the nozzle back on the pump and got in my truck. I had no idea
if the transaction went through so I went inside the gas station.

I was still trembling when the cashier gave me my receipt and thankfully no one
was hurt. Later on I  drove back around to find where it struck and discovered
a tree that had been struck and there are chunks of wood lying in the street
and everywhere around. I was shocked to see that it struck A LOT closer than
we thought approximately 50 yards away.  

So rule of thumb of the day #1. DO NOT pump gas during a thunderstorm.
Stay home or someplace safe untill the storm passes.
Gear Corner / Dave LeBolt leaves Digidesign!
June 23, 2009, 03:52:09 PM
The big guy himself has left as of last Friday and the rumors are flying that he's
joining Apple  :shock:  If this holds true, then one would have to assume  he's
going to their Pro-Apps division.

Also, the head of the AIR plugins department has also left. ... left-avid/

This could be BIG for the future of Logic and Apples Pro Apps.
Any Other Business / Happy Fathers day
June 22, 2009, 12:22:21 AM
To all the U.S. Frostie daddy's abroad, happy fathers day!

Dunno if it's celebrated elsewhere in the world today, but I'll extend a happy happy joy joy
to the other daddy's, daddy-to-be's and the daddy's-that-have-no-idea-they-are-somebody's
daddy :D

Hope you have a wonderful meal and a beverage that properly compliments the occasion.
Other Bands / Neil Peart Drum Jam
June 20, 2009, 12:31:30 AM
Hey thought I'd give al lthe drummers among us a heads up on this one.
Hell even non-drummers will appreciate this.  It's Neil Peart, Terry Bozzio
and Jerry Heredia together in a studio with a bunch of drums and percussion
having a ball.

There are more parts to be added. Neal, Terry and Duane Perry are doing a live chat as well.
Any Other Business / Post-gig late night yum yums
June 07, 2009, 09:31:08 AM
Does anyone else here find the need to munch after doing a show, or going to a concert
or after a night on the town?  Whats your favorite fix for late night munchies?
When I get in the door I always go for breakfast for some reason. Maybe because it's
so late that it's actually early by 4:00 AM :shock:  Usually waffles or pancakes will
do the trick for me. Mind you eating late at night is not a healthy thing to do. I'm so hungry
and wired when I get home. It helps me get to sleep. Thank God I only do 1 gig a month.

Speaking of which, I think I'm going to drop into my bed...

nighty night peeps.
Any Other Business / Happy Cheese Rolling!!
May 25, 2009, 10:27:15 PM
To all the better cheddars, I wish you luck and hopes that you have fun and don't
get run over on the way down.
Even though it's not a happy kind of holiday to be celebrating for us folks in the U.S.
it's still a nice day here in the north east to lounge relaxing and having some good grillins.
I got a pork tenderloin slowly cooking away(apple bourbon marinade) and cubed
chicken is bathing in the speedy sauce. About to grab a beer...bring on the shish-kabobs!

Time to pull up a chair and enjoy the nice cool breeze off Lake Ontario.   :D

*edit*  I of course wouldn't take it for granted that the very freedom I have at this moment
was fought for,and is still being fought for.
Other Bands / The Producers(80's band)
May 05, 2009, 04:08:11 AM
OK now there has got to be someone on here, at least in America ,who was around
during MTV's 80's heyday who should remember these guys. Maybe the image
of a keyboard player lugging around an Oberheim 8 voice on a strap on stage
might ring a bell?

I've always loved their music despite my reputation for being such a prog head
and always slated the whole 80's thing,but this band should have been a real
keeper IMHO. Too bad they got canned by their label after two albums.
Anyway, I did a search and was surprised not to find them on itunes and after
a quick googlely, I discovered they are still around rawking and doing gigs.
Unfortunately, the two most popular albums are no longer in print and even
the 2000 reissue is out too. Luckily I found a used copy on Amazon.
Both albums on one disc. Well worth the $50.

Check out the videos on myspace/you tube and you might recall or even
pick up on them. Briliant simple, 80's pop at it's finest. In fact, you may
even notice the influence The Police had on them on their 2nd album.
Gear Corner / Pro Tools HD Questions
April 24, 2009, 03:21:47 AM
This is directed towards any Pro Tools HD users/owners here,mainly Jem
and Beano,and anyone else who has experience with this setup, I would welcome
answers as well.

I'm actually considering getting a used system and by having a gander around
at for sale adds around the internet, a loan could put me within reach of something.
But I'm curious as to what the minimum is I could get away with. Right now my
typical songs/projects would fall well within 64 tracks,if not less. Would an HD 1
or an HD 2 suffice for typical Rock/pop projects?

The main advantages I seek are of course, zero latency monitoring and the DSP
acceleration. I don't typically use a ton of plugins. I would also be mainly running
Logic as a front end,but also PT depending on what kind of mood I'm in ;)
As for a desktop from which to run a system, I would be looking at a used G5
as I unfortunately cannot afford a new Mac Pro. Aside from having enough juice
to run a few VI's I assume you wouldn't need that powerful of a desktop.

Finally, what should I realistically expect to pay outright for an HD1 or HD 2
system,with all the necessary cabling and such?  It's all kind of a dream
at the moment but there could be potential for me business wise in the area
that I live even if I start out bare bones.

Wow it just occurred to me the following bands have albums due out by the end of '09.

Porcupine Tree,Transatlantic,Dream Theater,OSI, IQ, and of course a FROST* EP and
eventual DVD.  NIck has mentioned a possible Spocks Beard album. and I now just
read that The Mars Volta have a new one by June as well.

We've already have Insurgentes,and the new Wishing Tree.

Any others I'm unaware of? Of course theres got to be plenty of great non-prog
coming out soon too?
Other Bands / Transatlantic Recording NEW ALBUM!!!!
April 16, 2009, 02:47:33 PM
I heard rumors and kind of ignored it,but it seems it's official now!

TRANSATLANTIC, the progressive rock "supergroup" comprised of Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater), Pete Trewavas (Marillion), Roine Stolt (The Flower Kings) and Neal Morse (ex-Spock's Beard), have reunited after a 7 year hiatus to begin work on a brand new studio album.
The band began work on the album in early April in Nashville and are expected to have it released by year's end if all goes as planned.
TRANSATLANTIC have previously released two studio albums to tremendous critical and fan acclaim: 2000's SMPTe and 2001's Bridge Across Forever. The band toured on the heels of each release with an American Tour in 2000 and a European Tour in 2001 and released subsequent Live DVD's/CD's from both tours before going their separate ways for an indefinite hiatus which lasted almost the entire decade.

Ask Frost* / Has anyone in the band ever...
April 03, 2009, 01:32:10 AM
ripped a big stinky fart on stage?

Just curious. I was in one particular band that we all seemed to whenever
we were around. Something about chemistry I guess.

That I'm incredibly bored at the minute and couldn't think of anything
else to ask Frost*
Any Other Business / Bad weather for Mid U.S. today
March 23, 2009, 07:15:54 PM
Parts of Kansas,Oklahoma, and Nebraska are expected to get wacked pretty good
by severe storms today and tonight. The Storm Prediction Center is forecasting
a good chance of tornado's across this area and hail up to 2 inches(golf ball size)
for a good portion as well.

Hopefully any U.S. Frosties aren't in the area tonight and hopefully family and friends
of anyone out there stay safe!!
Any Other Business / Paul Harvey RIP
March 01, 2009, 02:01:41 AM
News is breaking right now. Long time news broadcaster Paul Harvey has passed away.
For those living abroad, Paul has been an Icon of the US broadcasting for many years
now and he had a unique style to his news breaks that have been heard all across
the states here. I always thought he was a good man and I remember both my father
and grandfather listening to him when I was out riding with them.  He had three
broadcasts a day and I always enjoyed hearing them here locally in Syracuse until
the local AM station changed hands with networks. He never seemed to get really politcal
and even had true to life stories about famous people in the world.

We'll forever have his famous phrases in our minds and hearts..

"and now the rest of the story.."  and of course,  "Paul Harvey...Good day!!"
Any fellow mac users out there happen to know of any Photoshop like apps
for Mac that are freeware? I want to do something simple with some pictures
I have.

I found GIMP but it runs only with X-11 and Seashore which I can't seem to
get it to work right or I have no idea what I'm doing.