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Messages - EVP

Gear Corner / Re: Pro Tools 10?!
October 23, 2011, 11:07:10 PM
I watched Avid's live conference video stream at AES and it is pretty impressive.
The latest improvements are targeted towards folks in the video-post world but
many features that music folks will take advantage of.  A lot of complaints about
the upgrade pricing, the cost for HD 10 upgrade is $1000 USD :shock:

But considering the changes that have been made under the hood, the new AAX plugin format
the RAM disk caching and other stuff, it's probably worth it in the long run and sets the future
for Pro Tools on a better course. A single HD-X card has the power of 5 Accel cards now.
Needless to say this will be the last version HD-TDM and all the 3rd party plugin developers
are right now porting their stuff over to the AAX format. It will be easier as one plugin
will be able to run natively or on the DSP cards. They changed other stuff like the
disk buffering and supposedly Pro tools isn't so picky about what external hard drives it uses.

The standard PT 10 software only costs $299 USD for the upgrade which is better than the
$349 I paid last year,so I'm not complaining. However I won't be upgrading anytime too soon
as my wee little 2006 black macbook is nearly out of the range for compatability.
I'm gonna wait a while so I can be all nice and snug with a new mac on OSX Lion and by then
all my plugins will be updated. PT 9.05 and Logic 9.1.5 are solid and everything works for
me at the moment.
Frost* / Lookie the new look!
October 19, 2011, 03:06:41 AM
Whilst the new Cube is being built, so now is the website!

Like the new look. it's got lotsa nice knobs and button thingies.
Frost* / Re: The Cube MkII takes shape
October 14, 2011, 06:25:25 PM
That was my next guess  ;)
Frost* / Re: The Cube MkII takes shape
October 14, 2011, 02:18:34 AM

I just noticed that Cube mk I had a little wood stove type of pipe extruding from it's top.
I wonder, did it have a a small furnace thingy or a wood stove? Must have been nice to
walk into a toasty warm Cube to start the day during the wee bit of winter.

I'm looking forward to seeing the progress of sir Cube Mk II. I sense a Frost report is in the making.
Any Other Business / Re: oooh
October 10, 2011, 02:31:03 AM
I'm on the nightwatch shift and no one around but little old me. No bots of any kind to speak of here.

*keeps walking tapping his night stick*
Frost* / Re: Hello
September 30, 2011, 04:23:22 AM
Welcome back sir!! Glad to hear life has turned around for you. I was just watching Frost* reports on
Youtube yesterday and still laughing my arse off. I think that's part of what makes Frost* so special
is that you guys genuinely like to have fun when working together.

I was thinking how great it will be to see some new Frost reports and I will be looking forward to them!
Frost* / Re: New Frost* Album!!!!
September 17, 2011, 02:38:47 PM
FANTASTIC!!! I knew someday Jem would make the decision. It's probably a little ways off before he
begins writing. Looking forward to seeing the new Cube and Frost reports!
Announcements / Re: Blunders' Blog
September 10, 2011, 06:09:54 AM
I really really feel for Bulnders right now. I've had my share of them over the years and the last almost a year
ago in October. It's gets you because you really do feel like you're having a heart attack. I can't speak for him
but for me there's nothing like going into Urgent Care or the emergency room and having them wire you up
like the Borg,take fluids out of you only to find afterwards nothing serious is wrong. it comes,hits you
and passes. he definitely appeared to have some top of the scale symptoms. I've never had black spots
or lost my speech,at least that I can recall. I had the other symptoms though. Any EMT will tell you
and they know right off the bat what to look for and there are other symptoms that only show during
true cardiac arrest. The EMT talked to me and asked me a bunch of questions and it was apparent
what was going on and simply knowing that helped me take control in my mind.

I was told the same things and even saw a cardiologist for 2 years. I stayed away from caffeine
and they had me on a beta blocker which made me tired all the time. At any rate, it's actually
a combination of outside stress factors and the obvious caffenated drinks. Drinking coffee and
energy drinks in the morning and slowing down with evening a little bit of alchohol is bad as you
are forcing your body one way,then the other. Not good.

I wish the best for him and I'm sure he'll be okay. it's enough to scare the S@#T out of you that
you quickly change your habits/lifestyle.
Frost* / Re: Jem is writing a new Frost* track!
September 02, 2011, 02:20:44 AM
Ya know I actually have been craving biscuits lately now that you mention it.
I lost a few (american)pounds over the summer going on hikes in the hills of
upstate NY. Time to gain some back  :)

While I'm thinking of it, has anyone heard from rogerg? Vermont got hit particularly hard
from hurricane/tropical storm Irene with massive flooding and bridges have been wiped clean
in some areas. Hopefully he and his family are doing alright.
Frost* / Re: Jem is writing a new Frost* track!
August 30, 2011, 02:37:25 AM
DId someone just say FROST*?

Oh and a big plutonic hug too all of you lovely fellow frosties both afar and in the drenched
and wind-worn Eastern US. I hope all of you are doing well these days. The last time I posted
here I was going through some troubled personal times but alas I'm coming out on the other side.

I have actually been following Jem's blog and I think it's good that he's feeling better and I welcome
whatever output may come from his recent writing. I wouldn't expect an album out of this though.
I wonder if maybe the move back to Sussex is making him feel back home musically perhaps?

A i said in the one 'farewell' post a while back, I always believe that if you leave something you've worked
hard at and it's something you loved to do and it's had a positive effect on people, you will eventually
come back to it later some day.

Maybe if time allows Jem will drop by?
Friends Of Frost* / Re: what the hell
March 06, 2011, 01:38:55 AM
Cool stuff Rogerg!  The stock synths in Logic are awesome and provide a never ending source of inspiration.
There are some really great patches in there.

This reminds me I just signed up on Soundcloud I need to upload some of my stuff to show everyone here.
Gear Corner / Re: Rediscovered the Korg Legacy collection
February 26, 2011, 05:39:33 AM
I believe the patch is called "Ballerina Bells" I found it once myself one day and I recall
Jem himself saying that was the patch name.
Any Other Business / Re: Happy Birthday to EVP & Titan!!
February 24, 2011, 03:53:53 AM
I'm now back home after a long day and might in fact still have time for a Berfday beer or 2.

Thankyou all for your thoughts and wishes as well. As always it's appreciated.
Mentally/emotionally I'm actually feeling ok. It that my body is catching up with
all the stress and stuff from the past few months. I've got lots of projects planned
and a major musical project to finish now to keep me busy. I'm getting some
help from counseling and regular visits with my doctor to make sure things are in check.

Too much to do and accomplish this year. I'm going to make year 40 the best yet!
I know my mother would only want the best for me.
Any Other Business / Re: Happy Birthday to EVP & Titan!!
February 23, 2011, 01:22:54 PM
I'd like to put in an early thankyou to all of you here as I'm headed out early today for
an appointment and then off to work until 9:30 this evening.

Admittedly I have to say this birthday is very mixed bitter sweet right now hitting the big 40.
I unfortunately have to say that I recently lost my mother after a long battle with pancreatic cancer
about a week and a half ago. I will have to say that I'm glad she's in a better place now on this day
rather than being in a bed and being in pain and drugged up,probably smiling down at me as I type this.

But all is not mournful today. I'm probably more mournful of having to work today more than anything
to be honest. I've got lots of friends looking after me and there are some weekend festivities planned.

I love this place and everyone here. Such a great bunch of people you all are and I will always enjoy
visiting this forum and chatting with you all.

A big happy birthday to you Titan as well. Hope it is filed with plenty of good time fun,food,drink and
whatever else fancy's you!


Other Bands / Re: Opeth - New album next year
January 10, 2011, 05:32:46 PM
Awesome indeed!! Looking forward to this one when it's complete.