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Messages - EVP

Frost* / Re: If you ordered EIMA from Classic RokShop...
November 22, 2008, 12:26:05 AM
Order no.: 2076

wow judging everyone's order numbers I must have been one of the last
few to order through them. I assume they are going through sequentially?

No big deal. Though I emailed and PM'd, I know mine will be sorted eventually.  ;)
Ask Frost* / Re: Frost* - the remaster Box set
November 20, 2008, 01:22:00 AM
Quote from: "SerFox"Here was me thinking id be able to afford omnisphere this christmas  :roll:

Keep saving because it's worth every penny!  8-)
Any Other Business / Re: Birotron
November 19, 2008, 03:24:24 PM
I think it's funny that Rick done that actually. If I were in his position at the time
I would have also. I'm not ashamed to say I do like Mellotron sounds but I try to
use them somewhat sparingly in my own songs and I would try to do something
different with them. I gotta say that old demonstration video on you tube is
a blast to watch. I almost spat my beverage out when I saw that. I remember Jem
saying in that context,they were brilliant.
Frost* / Re: CRS selling EIMA
November 19, 2008, 03:10:43 PM
Quote from: "gareth"The annoying factor for me is that I placed my order through CRS because at the time it was the only option (that saw the profits going straight to the band).

Days later it was announced that there would be another more reliable option through the Frost website.

If I had waited, just a few more days - I would have done that, but I really wasn't to know. Now orders placed through the Frost site have been sent, and us early birds who jumped at the oppurtunity to support the band haven't really got much to show for it unless we've been able to haggle a download somewhere.

I know it's really CRS's fault of course... I'm just having a rant. Life goes on! A little frustrating is all.

Yeah Same here. I actually ordered through CRS then a day later realized the new website
was up and running. I discovered this when clearing my browsers cache when the old site
kept loading.  :roll:  Oh well I sent a PM to TLD as well and since I'm in the US I know I'm in
for a longer wait time to begin with,so I'm not that concerned. As it is, I'm still getting
EIMA long before the US release date. I'm sure this will all be resolved soon enough and
we will ALL be ROCKING  m/
Announcements / Re: CRS Orders
November 19, 2008, 02:49:59 PM
Quote from: "gr8gonzo"Considering the orders only went into the post a week ago and I live thousands of miles away, I thought I'd be optimistic that my CRS order was processed and will give it a few more days to arrive before I add to Miss Lurvely's headache.

Yeah I had the same thought but I PM'd her anyway.

(okay that sounded perverse for some reason but I'm not! sorry!)
Other Bands / "Yes" on the Mike Huckabee show
November 19, 2008, 03:15:19 AM
I'm sorry to report I have just seen this.
Click on "classic rock"
Frost* / Re: Thank you Frost*
November 19, 2008, 12:49:20 AM
Quote from: "sillythewilly"I was just like you guys ... a few hours ago!  :O
Ah, I'll stop teasing.  When you finally see your package in the mail after a long day, it'll have been worth all that waiting.  Your heart will burst with joy and you'll begin to frolic merrily.  At least, that's what I did  :shock:

- CA, USA fan

OHHH someone in the US has their copy!!! When and where did you order from? CRS?
I sent a message to TLD so hopefully I will hear good news that mine had been shipped out.
Other Bands / Re: Genesis Box #3
November 19, 2008, 12:44:03 AM
Interesting thanks for the info,confirmation. I had a copy off the torrent and accidentally
erased my external FW drive thus loosing it. I did manage to burn a copy for my brother
and have been waiting for him to come home so I could make a copy of it. But now I have
the box set. You think I should bother copying the original I had,or is the box set version
good enough?

I did manage to see a little of the Lamb slides,but I don't have a 5.1 system so I can't
properly listen while watching it. :(  I've been pricing components for a Theater system
today though. I want a setup that will play DVD-A as well as SACD.
Frost* / Re: Thank you Frost*
November 18, 2008, 11:29:08 PM
mee too.
Ask Frost* / Re: Producing..
November 18, 2008, 03:12:00 PM
Quote from: "Dave M"Im surprised how much better the title track sounds in comparison to the sampler cd ... Gone is the harshness of the cymbals , it sounds much smoother ... Was this from remixing or remastering, or both ?

 he mixed it through a 16 channel SSL rack.
Any Other Business / Re: SNOW
November 18, 2008, 03:17:07 AM
Well I've traveled afar and made it back ;) I only saw two accidents on my way in
to work in the town of Palermo.

Yes it is funny that a town by the name of Mexico gets dumped on by snow like we do.
It's rare we get our first dumping before Thanksgiving. This could be an Omen :shock:
round two is coming Thursday-Friday.

That is fine as long as I have some(new)FROST* music to keep me warm. ;)
Announcements / Re: FROST* breaks into the Top 100!
November 18, 2008, 03:06:46 AM
I'm still holding out for my copy. Until then I'm still master of my domain. ;)
Ask Frost* / Re: Frost*: The Riveting Interview
November 18, 2008, 03:00:43 AM
Quote from: "Jem"If I could nominate a fav prog album though, currently I think it would be The Lamb. I don't think there's a duff track on it. Plus it's got great chunks of actual improvisation on it AND I love the sound of it, especially the drums. Even the Mellotron bits work.

Have you heard the new remixed version Jem? It's sounds least to my ears.
If you play the 5.1 version on the DVD you get to see the entire,original slide show
the band used live. Really quality stuff!
Any Other Business / SNOW
November 17, 2008, 01:52:55 PM
Well winter has officially arrived in typical Central New York Style.
The lake effect snow beast has made it's return overnight and has
dumped about 7-8 inches of snow on us as of this morning.
Not only has it been snowing 2 inches an hour,but it's come in with
a flash and a bang complete with thunder and lightning.

Glad I have a brand new 4 wheel drive vehicle. I'm fairly confident of
my winter driving abilities,it's the other idiots out there I'm concerned
about when I'm out there. I usually take the back roads to and from work
as I can take my time.
Gear Corner / Re: Fender Eric Johnson Strat
November 16, 2008, 11:24:40 PM
Cliffs of Dover - Tube Driver

Desert Rose. Ah yes.

I need to find Ah Via Musicom.