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Messages - Rudy

Frost* / Re: Merry Christmas Everyone!
December 25, 2008, 06:40:30 PM
Happy holidays everyone!
Power!  Power!  We have it, as of 13.26 Eastern Standard Time!  Never been so excited about electricity in my life  :lol:  :D  :D  :D !

Hey, and thanks a million plus one for the kind words and support...'tis the best forum, period  :D .
Central Massachusetts was absolutely whacked! I have never seen anything quite like little town is like a ghost town.  We've been in hotels since Friday last week, and still no power.

On top of everything else, Wife and baby also have been sick... :cry:  So it has been a really truly rough go...
Other Bands / Re: Embarrassing Musical secret
December 04, 2008, 09:12:04 PM
Quote from: "wickedwitch"i think you put in leib not liebe  one meaning body and the other being love. (or soemthing like that)

dear mother

a bouquet of flowers that never withers (oslt)

a gift that lasts the whole year.

hope that helps. i know its not as much fun !

Much better!  
But...hmmm... :?

...after reading the real translation, ya just gotta wonder what it's all about.  The guy gets his mother a bouquet of artificial flowers and writes a whole album about it?  What is this, a prog band? :twisted:

Ba-boom...and I'll get my coat now.
Frost* / Re: The (Lack of) View From The Cube
December 04, 2008, 06:03:42 PM
Always kind of liked these guys.  Not sure what kind of music they play, although I would guess that sensitive love songs and panoramic romantic vistas predominate... ;)
Other Bands / Re: Embarrassing Musical secret
December 04, 2008, 05:41:41 PM
Well...a-hem...not speaking a word of German, I turned to trusty Babel Fish for a translation of this album cover (note that I entered all text from top to bottom):

"Body mother... a bouquet, that never withers to Heino a gift furs whole year"

 :shock:  :shock:
Quote from: "Brom"
Quote from: "Pedro"
Quote from: "Rudy"Never mind that, did you know that recently the beaver (Castor fiber) was returned to Scotland after a 400-year absence.
Dam, that's a long time, wooden chew say?

Right Pedders you've gone toooo far this time. I'm gonna lodge a complaint.

But wood it matter?
Frost* / Re: The (Lack of) View From The Cube
December 03, 2008, 06:38:20 PM
Quote from: "catherine"Haven't sussed how to bung photos in yet but I'll still add my voice to a resounding (and perhaps rather too pink)


Just did the  :?  thing a few minutes ago on that very same topic.  If I read it correctly, off you computer you have to upload a file as an attachment (near the bottom of the "post a reply" page) otherwise it has to be posted as a URL via the "Img" code thingy.

Keeping in mind I'm a bit of a Luddite when it comes to these fancy thinkin' machines...
Other Bands / Re: Darwins Radio
December 03, 2008, 06:34:00 PM
Quote from: "wickedwitch"
Quote from: "gr8gonzo"Whenever I have a question, I ask TLD.  Why, just this morning I couldn't locate my car keys, so I shot off a PM to TLD and moments later she reminded me that I'd left them in the elephant's ass at the zoo.  They're always in the last place you look, aren't they?
ok i just choked on my toast. that wasnt pretty. dont make me laugh  at breakfast please!

I second that one...there is now hell to pay for my coffee-soaked keyboard.  The poor newbee IT chap...
Quote from: "wickedwitch"mmmmm tasty x

oh lordy, it occurs to me that i'm getting excited about a gear thread. damn damn damn

Never mind that, did you know that recently the beaver (Castor fiber) was returned to Scotland after a 400-year absence.  Beavers are two primarily nocturnal, semi-aquatic species of rodent, one native to North America and one to Europe. They are known for building dams, canals, and lodges (homes). They are the second-largest rodent in the world (after the capybara). Their colonies create one or more dams to provide still, deep water to protect against predators, and to float food and building material.

(WW-Thought I could chip in and restore (dis)order before you took gear excitement too far ;) ).
Announcements / Re: Mikey was right.
December 03, 2008, 06:25:30 PM
Welcome back!   :D
Frost* / Re: The (Lack of) View From The Cube
December 03, 2008, 06:17:21 PM
Gabba gabba hey!
Frost* / Re: The (Lack of) View From The Cube
December 03, 2008, 06:04:33 PM
Quote from: "gr8gonzo""You're a Knorkator / Hasenchartbreaker / Love taker / Dontchamessaroundwithme..."

 :lol: Oh now how am I gonna explain the coffee on my keyboard to the new IT guy? :lol:

This time o' year I travel a lot--blech--so haven't been around much to see the negativity, but let me just point out that this thread started with Jem's blogging-ness and ended up with Polish death metal bands and their look-alikes (errrr, I think that's what it's all about :? )...

...doesn't this mean all is ultimately well in Frost*Land?!? 8-)

Gear Corner / Re: Korg M50
November 25, 2008, 02:00:31 AM
Yes, quite stunningly unhelpful...but entertaining!  :lol:

(Any chance this is a con-spiracy to get me to buy the Roland?).
Gear Corner / Re: Korg M50
November 24, 2008, 03:18:09 AM
Quote from: "RWA"An M50?
Looks pretty solid to me!  :)


And according to Korg, it only weighs 15 pounds!  

AND it guarantees a bit more respect from your band mates: "no lip from you guys, now!".