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Topics - codex

Other Bands / my album the Blue Team on iTunes!!!
October 13, 2010, 11:15:21 PM
I've made my (3rd) CD in 1996, called the blue team
As of this moment, my made my own album available via iTunes!

as you can see, even artists without a major lable can put their album in iTunes.....

Check it out  ;)

Other Bands / Aeryon - Guilt Machine
August 03, 2009, 10:39:50 PM
So Arjen has his new album ready to be pre ordered  :mrgreen:

Check Guilt Machine

This one is different (again?)
It's not a Ayreon project but a new one.

Guilt Machine:

Arjen Lucassen: instruments, backing vocals
Jasper Steverlinck (Arid): vocals
Chris Maitland (ex Porcupine Tree): drums
Lori Linstruth (ex Stream of Passion): lead guitar
Any Other Business / i just had to share this one...
December 29, 2008, 10:08:57 PM
This cover is the best one i have heard for a long time enter sandman  8-)
Toys / make my own remix
December 06, 2008, 10:14:11 PM
Hi there,

i found several cewl remixes of the other me but i found no original vocal recordings on this site...

i would really really like to build my own version of this fabulous number...
where or how can i obtain these vocal parts of this song or even other songs of Frost* ?

thanks for your help  :mrgreen:
Frost* / Ringtones
November 27, 2008, 10:49:23 PM
I made a ringtone loop from the guitarpart of EIMA for my iphone,
it is so 'lekker'  ;)
For now the track EIMA is my favorite

So if anyone calls me, the guitar starts playing

Also the hard part of Dear Dead Days (5) is also a in your face ringtone, but a bit too much when you're in a meeting  8-)
Other Bands / Keith Emerson Band Featuring Marc Bonilla
November 12, 2008, 03:58:25 PM
Did anyone notice this album?

Sounds like the old days of ELP....
ELP is dead, long live ELP!!! 8-)