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Messages - FantomG

Hi Pedders,

Just a note to say 'thank you' ...saw this last night and signed up / logged in - no problem and I too picked up some nice tips in Sonar, plus some areas of using Kontakt that I didn't know.

Still waiting for my X1 Upgrade disc!! Already a month late, but from a call yesterday, it should arrive next week, so the videos on the new features /layouts should also come in handy.


Cheers, Stu
Gigs / Re: Frost* December (Sinterklaas) gigs
December 04, 2010, 01:22:06 PM
Quote from: "milliontown 2 city 0"
Quote from: "FantomG"Pleased the ticket is going to a good home :)   & I hope you enjoy!

Its not all bad...I'm planning to make Derby  8-)   as long as my boss doesn't have any more 'last minute' plans!

Cheers, Stu

Thanks Stu - ticket received safe and sound  :D

Fingers crossed for Derby  :)

Hope you enjoyed gig....and now I'm stuck in Madrid!!!! with this stike, AAAARRRRRGH!!   I even had boarding pass and gone through security....mate of mine was even on his plane on the runway!

so Monday may also be in doubt  :cry:
Gigs / Re: Frost* December (Sinterklaas) gigs
November 22, 2010, 07:35:31 PM
Pleased the ticket is going to a good home :)   & I hope you enjoy!

Its not all bad...I'm planning to make Derby  8-)   as long as my boss doesn't have any more 'last minute' plans!

Cheers, Stu
Gigs / Re: Frost* December (Sinterklaas) gigs
November 22, 2010, 07:10:47 AM
Quote from: "Nellie"
Quote from: "milliontown 2 city 0"Thank you Living Forever for the London ticket - very much appreciated  8-)

Will flip a coin out of the 2 of us Frosties who gets 2 go - hopefully will be able to track down one more ticket over the next fortnight. :oops:  :roll:
Thanks once again  :D
I've put a request on Facebook for anyone with any spares to fess up. Here's hoping :D


I may now, unfortunately , not be able to go to London gig, should know for definite by lunchtime...if still needing a ticket, PM me for latest.
Now Jem's out from inside InsideOut,
To Bath to become a Roustabout? Just like Elvis in '64 ;oD
Thanks RWA for the link....just downloaded the iLok version and it's really neat! ...
Just need some Steven Wilson 'tones' now ;oD

Thanks again,

"The backdrop would look good in my hall"
Albert said and gave Nellie a call
Outbid on the USBs
Announcements / Re: EBAY AUCTION NOW OPEN!
July 27, 2009, 04:13:54 PM
Darn!! I was well and truely outbid for the FantomG gear in the last few seconds  :(      ...Congrats to the winner...

I'm sure Jem would have raised a bit more by having a number of copies of the sticks / or burnt on CDs / Available for download ...Are you sure there are no more kicking around?  please?  :D

Cheers, FantomG
looking forward to spending our dosh
on biscuits and CDs and squash,
there's squash in this auction?
Boo, I can't afford nothin'
There's even a Fantom Project, gosh!


Oh to be an e-Baying bidder,
Announcements / Re: EBAY AUCTION NOW OPEN!
July 21, 2009, 01:44:42 PM
Oh, wow ...I'd love to own a copy of the Fantom G project!!!

FantomG  8-)
My computer's been getting too hot,
But since JiB shut it down, now it's not.
Where's Frost*'s biggest fan?
Something hit it - it ran!
Did you remember to save the plot?


Jem's an endorsee of Open Labs,
Thanks, I too have this...great update. news of this following Dan Krisher on Twitter ...who has put up some helpful videos on his YouTube channel.....and And looks like a new Connect project being worked on too....for Aug release.

Just wish they would work on a better librarian and an editor that quickly maps multisamples ...current ones are not very user friendly ...and YASE is awkward too.

Still hoping Jem will put a Frost* 'Project' file for sale, to learn from the master ;oD
Gear Corner / Re: Korg Wavestation EX
July 13, 2009, 11:41:06 AM
I bought one of these about 20 years ago and its just wonderful ...still can't bear to part with it, even though I got a copy of the software version (after seeing Jem's Blog).

Also, seeing Genesis on the last tour in 2007, Tony Banks was still using one too!

Back light is starting to dim a bit ( the one on my Korg 01R/W has gone completely - more a Black light machine) ..but on e-bay I've seen replacements for circa £30 that is an option.

Enjoy, indeed ;oD
Announcements / Re: Shop News
July 08, 2009, 05:33:10 PM
Thanks Nellie ...parcel just arrived...very happy bunny  :D
Any Other Business / Re: oooh
July 08, 2009, 07:06:42 AM
Darn, missed everyone...

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