Frost* Rosfest 2009 Intro video thingy!

Started by Fogeyspasm, May 19, 2009, 11:22:19 AM

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I have thrown together, in the most literal sense, a video using the intro backing track and various borrowed/stolen/found (delete as applicable) photos from the interweb and forum.
Rogerg even appears in one of his, its a perk of me robbing some of them :oops:
Its very literal and was just done as a bit of a laugh as nothing was on the tele last night.

It cracks me up everytime i hear it and,damn you Godfrey, I cant stop humming it which is driving my partner mental!

Tally Ho Chaps
Bandits 11 O\'Clock High
Throttle to boost, im going in!


That my friend, is bloody marvellous! Of the 31 views, I reckon about 15 are mine! And you are right, a very catchy tune!


Nice work, sir!  :lol:
I'm honoured to note a photo of Dec which I took appears twice in your magnum opus.  8-)
Come on, you\'re a lion!


Another person whos talent i have cruelly swiped for my own entertainment followed by an evil laugh!
It makes me sound like some mad villain from the movies.
But i thank you for your contribution, you are indeed a gent. :)
Tally Ho Chaps
Bandits 11 O\'Clock High
Throttle to boost, im going in!


Quote from: "Fogeyspasm"Rogerg even appears in one of his

and the lovely Cairn, in the self-same photo, tucked between Jem and John!


I'm in there somewhere, too!  Nice work.
...and I can feel the world is turning...turn around


Quote from: "Fogeyspasm"I have thrown together, in the most literal sense, a video using the intro backing track .....

Well done!  :D


Haha, I love the song, that's gone straight into my 'toob favourites :D

I want to hear the Christmas remix of this since there was definite potential there with the bells and all!
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