Another very poor attempt at BLM solo.

Started by Gandalf1986, November 12, 2008, 11:47:55 AM

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This is sort of a response to leelustig very good attempt to BLM solo. I followed Jem's istructions to build up the lead sound. It's the bare solo without any rhythm parts for now, I'm still working on it... :D

CLICK HERE! (Choose Download with FileFactory Basic and just solve the captcha!)

Comments are welcome ;)
You talk
You think you own me
You miss the point completely
These things I do they\'re not for you
I\'m sick and I\'m tired
Leave me alone...

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana. - Pedro


I used to have a signature


Makes me wish I had a way of recording my drums so I could add to the fun. I have the mikes but no multi-track recording facility :(
Just add Serfox's guitarry bit and we'd be half way there 8-)
* May contain nuts.


Maaaan, wanna trade fingers? :P

No, I'm just glad there's the midi solution for those of us that aren't as fortunate as to have your keys skill :)


Quote from: "RacingHippo"Whoohoo!
Makes me wish I had a way of recording my drums so I could add to the fun. I have the mikes but no multi-track recording facility :(
Just add Serfox's guitarry bit and we'd be half way there 8-)

you on a mac?  get Garageband.  or try Audacity  <-- link ;)


Quote from: "rogerg"you on a mac?  
Nah, frayed knot.
I need a PC for work and since work and play kinda combine a lot...
Quote from: "rogerg"get Garageband.  or try Audacity  <-- link ;)
Thanks for the suggestions.
There's a few possibilities for recording/mixing multi-track on t'PC (Reaper for a cheap/free one), but the problem is getting the signal from at least four mics into the 'puter. All I have is a stereo input :(
Yeah, I could pre-mix them down to 2 inputs but It'd be a nightmare getting the balance right.
* May contain nuts.


I've recently downloaded Reaper but I've yet to install and try it. Is it as good as people say it is?
"One man\'s Drum Machine is another man\'s Mellotron"
- Pedro


Don't fear the
Quote from: "Philadelphia"Reaper
I used to have a signature



My hat is well and truly off!  :D

Well done - I know my playing is nowhere near fast enough for stuff like that, so I'll not be having a go :)

I can manage Incommunicado, but thats as fast as I go, and its a lot easier in comparison!
So many keyboards, so little time!


Oh and to RH:

A stereo input is good. The best thing to do is buy yourself a cheap mini-mixer from maplins, and bring the stereo out of that with a combination cable (mono-mono to stereo) then record that using audacity or your daw of choice. Audacity has a click track creation function and can play simultanious tracks for play-alongs/timing doo-dah's.

Reaper has served me well, and has recorded several of my songs, including this one and this cover of The Other Me, as well as one or two other published side projects. It has its flaws and with a few more eggheads on their dev team it's entirely possible that Reaper could surpass cubase entirely. It's VST support, while MUCH more flexible than either cubase or nuendo, has a very based UI which could do with some tweaking. MIDI implementation DOES EXIST but it's incredibly difficult to get to, and the lack of easy accessible tools is also a drawback.
It is, however, and extremely powerful DAW and I expect great things from them in the future.
As it says on their website, "Unless you are one hundred percent happy with your current MIDI + Audio sequencer, you'd be a fool not to give REAPER a try."

If you need any help getting started, which I severely doubt, give me a PM. I've had many one night stands with the beast and I know which buttons to... I'll stop now.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Quote from: "Gandalf1986"This is sort of a response to leelustig very good attempt to BLM solo. I followed Jem's istructions to build up the lead sound. It's the bare solo without any rhythm parts for now, I'm still working on it... :D

CLICK HERE! (Choose Download with FileFactory Basic and just solve the captcha!)

Comments are welcome ;)
You wanna know how I know you're an asshole?  :mrgreen:
This is BLATANTLY not a poor attempt  :lol: for starters
number 2, this is BBBBBBBBBBBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLATANTLY better than mine
I couldn't even figure out certain parts that you did, that is fuckin impressive.
good job, asshole  :mrgreen:
I've seen paupers as kings,
puppets on strings
dance for the children who stare
you must have seen them everywhere




Another very excellent attempt at BLM solo! Really nice  8-)