So are Americans cool again?

Started by sephiroth198777, November 13, 2008, 03:26:32 AM

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How are we doin?   :D   New president that everyone's happy about. (most people) plus the ever growing list of Frosties*.  Have we become cool again?
There are those who call me.....Tim

Living comes much easier, once we admit we\'re dyin\'


promising,but we're not out of the woods yet. We got a couple more months to go.

I'm hopeful though ;)


James Dean, Steve McQueen, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and now Barack. America has always led the curve on cool. ;)


Hate to say it boys, but we've still one thing missing: full-length episodes of Doctor Who.


Oh, that isn't too far-fetched. Doctor Who has gotten a constant repping here on the boards, but I must admit the exact nature of its referencings eludes me. I can't tell if it's a popular British punching bag or if everybody across America's lesser ocean absolutely loves it. A total mystery. I might pick it up some day. It would be easier if there weren't 750 episodes, maybe.


Quote from: "Liquid"....Buffy the Vampire Slayer..... America has always led the curve on cool. ;)

Well, since the coolest/funniest guy in the Buffy-verse was Spike, and he was played by a Californian pretending to be a Brit, I think we can wrap that one up at least.

Cool is, clearly, trying to appear more like a leatherbound peroxided '80s British pop musician ;)
This space for sale.


Ah Buffy  :D

I'm feeling positive that Obama won. But as others point out we're not through the woods.

I'll wait before reserving judgement on the effect his presidency has. His attitude will hopefully be different but there are always things that could happen to change it.

Meh on Dr Who. I like the old ones with Baker, Pertwee et al but I can't stand the current ones apart from the odd few like Blink. Steven Moffat is taking over producer though so it may get much better under his stewardship.


Yeah, We cool.

But seriously, as a politics major who took a holiday to go to America to watch the election, it's a great thing to see.

And no, back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Quote from: \"Jem\"I\'d rather staple my bollocks to a bonfire that attend that vortex of poisonous bilge.


President Obama has a lot of potential, I'm very pleased with his victory.  Now of course it's time for him to live up to his tremendous promises.


Considering i'm theamerican here, i'd say we aren't cool enough yet... our prog is lacking (aside from few spectacular exceptions) and we give money to fall out boy...

But, i think we have it in us, like a lion in the cage of our proggy hearts.

(i must admit to not actually being very american, but i was in an odd mood when i chose my name, so there you are)


I spent many a Saturday late-afternoon watching Tom Baker.  I wouldn't trade those memories for anything.


Quote from: "rogerg"I spent many a Saturday late-afternoon watching Tom Baker.
....until he saw the sun reflected by your binoculars....?
"Putting food on the table is more important than 7/8"


Quote from: "Pedro"
Quote from: "rogerg"I spent many a Saturday late-afternoon watching Tom Baker.
....until he saw the sun reflected by your binoculars....?


those would have been damn good binoculars since I was in South Dakota....


I'm a Liverpool Supporter... so that makes two americans very very unpopular with me!

and the sooner they dissapear the better...

but i guess the rest of you are..... okay  :D


Quote from: "TheAmerican"(i must admit to not actually being very american, but i was in an odd mood when i chose my name, so there you are)

And you are actually......?
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