Re: New Kevin Gilbert Releases Coming This Month

Started by RWA, October 02, 2009, 08:26:18 AM

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Interesting. I'm a fan of his work.

It's just....... well, usually there's a reason why this stuff hasn't been released before. Usually the artist simply didn't find it good enough. NDV did a great job finishing "The Shaming" but most of that was all ready recorded and Nick was a big part of that. I wonder how Kevin would feel about other people releasing this stuff. There are tons of examples of "unreleased" material by The Beatles, Bob Marley, Frank Zappa etc. that just should have stayed unreleased.

I hope I'm wrong though!  :)
If it turn out to be good stuff I'll still pick it up. But not without hearing what others have to say about it. I have more then enough "previously unreleased bonus track material" in my CD collection collecting dust.  ;)