Live in Leeds with Dream Theater

Started by progfrog360, October 01, 2009, 02:05:53 AM

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First off, I am American. I flew all the way over to Leeds to see my two favorite bands (of course, Frost* and Dream Theater) together at the same show. Anyhow, I was chatting with some other folks in line to get into the 02 Academy, and this one guy said that you all were out behind the venue just standing there a while before you started testing the sound equipment. Is this true? I have been feeling horrible for about 4 months now because i REALLY wanted to meet all of you wonderful people. Also Jem, i wanted to ask you, do you have perfect pitch? your singing was phenomenal. One last thing. What do you consider to be some other bands who have a similar sound and style as you did in Milliontown? That album COMPLETELY blew my mind. Its my number 1 of my over 1000 cd collection. (this is not meant to be insulting in any way -->) The reason I'm asking this question is while im waiting for Frost* to come out with new material, i want to know about any other bands that you would consider to be similar to Milliontown. I want as much as i can get, even though I'm sure nothing comes even close to comparison to Milliontown.
THANKS  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:


Hi and welcome aboard!
I understand completely how you feel about Milliontown as a CD, it hit me like a seventh wave when I first heard it in 2006 and nothing else has had the same effect since. Not cos nothing else is as good, just because Milliontown hit at just the right time.
Yes, Jem and the guys are VERY accessible at gigs, no airs and graces or paid's 'bitter sweet' that they aren't 'big and famous' enough for that (bitter cos they should be, sweet cos they're not)!
As for something like Milliontown, that's difficult and probably rests heavily on personal preferences. I tend to bang on about the same few bands who I follow keenly so maybe I'll leave it to others to make more objective suggestions.  :)
"Putting food on the table is more important than 7/8"


progfrog... have you met ProgDog?  

I think you'll find Milliontown had a similar effect on many-a-Frost*ie.  It was one of those iTunes recommendations that I tracked through one day and had my own little "I can has cheezburger?" moment.  Fair to say I latched onto Frost* music, as shown HERE.

It would be extremely difficult to name another band or album that compares.
...and I can feel the world is turning...turn around


Quote from: "progfrog360"Also Jem, i wanted to ask you, do you have perfect pitch? your singing was phenomenal.

That's very kind of you.  :D I don't have perfect pitch, but I did have an earplug in one ear and my amps up not too loud so I could pitch ok. However there was so much sub bass in the kick drum monitors that the keys on my Fantom were actually jumping up and down every time Andy hit the kick. I genuinely feared for it's innards.  :shock:


yea the balance was a little bit off. it would have been nice to hear some more treble and a little less bass. still a GREAT show though


haha i was just at the front going GO DEC GO! lol


Yeah, the bass note and chimes (?) in BLM nearly knocked me over!