The Dust Connection (my band)

Started by MartijnB, February 26, 2009, 09:25:16 AM

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Last week, I've put up a new studio report showing with some solo and acoustic stuff:

Album almost finished :)


Have to wait until home time to look....anything to with Philip Pullman in the name?
"Putting food on the table is more important than 7/8"


Had to look up who Philip Pullman was, so the answer is no. Hope you still like the video though..;)


From now, you can watch a 7-minute trailer from our debut album "TRAILS" on our website. The album contains 14 tracks of progressive metal, rock, pop, ethnic and everything in between. Release is planned later this year.

Hope you'll like it!  :)



I checked it out, and listened to "The Grand Final" on YouTube as well, and I'm liking it alot!

How much will the album be once it's released?
| Chris |


Thanks for the compliment :)

We don't know how the album will be released, as we're exploring several options at the moment. But I can promise you, we'll keep the price reasonable at all times.


We're glad to annouce we've just signed a deal with Snakebite Records/Rock Inc. Our forthcoming debut album "Trails" is scheduled for release on December 11th this year.

From now, we offer you a FREE downloadable single, which includes three full HQ songs and artwork made especially for the occasion.

To obtain the single and for more information, go to //

Love to hear your opinions! :)



Trapezium Artist

Requested, downloaded, and listened.

Some very interesting music in there; excellent playing, nice production. That said, perhaps a little too much of the heavier prog metal side than I like personally and I'm afraid the vocals are not my thing.

In any case, I'm sure it'll find some fans: good luck with the release and thanks for the opportunity to give it a listen, Martijn.


Thanks for your kind words! We're indeed more on the metal side, although we do have a lot of quiet moments on the album as well. Nine Days Wonder is probably the heaviest track.



Agree with TA about the production and playing, very good. Enjoyed Nine Days Wonder, Thought Clouds was bloody fantastic, really enjoyed that one and enjoyed Prayer almost as much. Well done, I'll be looking out for the album once it's released!!