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More Shop Problems...

Started by leelustig, November 14, 2008, 03:33:31 PM

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Yeaaah.... I'm still having that Paypal problem on the shop.

I have all my funds in there and everything, and when I try and submit the order it keeps saying 'this method of payment is temporarily unavailable.' But now it doesn't make any sense because I definitely have money transferred into my paypal so it shouldn't be saying that.

Anybody know what the dillio here is?
I've seen paupers as kings,
puppets on strings
dance for the children who stare
you must have seen them everywhere


Sorry everyone for the problems here. We will be adding an option to pay with your credit card via WorldPay in the next few days.



Is Worldpay something I have to sign up for? Or is it just.... nothing.
I've seen paupers as kings,
puppets on strings
dance for the children who stare
you must have seen them everywhere


No, you don't have to sign up for this. It's just an internet service by the Royal Bank Of Scotland  for processing credit cards.



When is this going to be fixed? I'm still getting the error message...
I've seen paupers as kings,
puppets on strings
dance for the children who stare
you must have seen them everywhere

J Jonah Jameson

Hello matey,

You can pay by using the"> address from your own account without going through the shop if this is easier - just make sure you tell us what you want!