TPE - A bit of bad news (all better now)

Started by Jem, June 01, 2010, 09:51:47 PM

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Well well well,

I thought it was going too smoothly. I can't really put it better myself so here's an extract from the email I just got from Rob Reed -

"We paid extra,got them delivered on time....
I un wrapped the CD ...
It  looks great..3 discs, clear trays...lovely artwork...
Stuck it in my car...DISC 1.....
Disc 1 went into disc 2's audio !!!!!!!!
Gobsmacked.!!!  Double checked......!!!   SH** !! It was true...."

There has been a bit of a major production problem. Turns out the repro company have put disc 1's audio on the disc with disc 2's artwork on it and vice versa. So the whole run is ruined.

The turnaround time on this has been as tight as tight can be so we only actually received them at lunchtime today and had planned to get them out for last post this evening. That's how "of the moment" this whole thing is. It's only when Rob checked the CD this afternoon that we found out.

So...I can only offer my sincere apologies for this, but we'll have to postpone shipping for a few days. It's a problem that's absolutely out of our control. The repro guys are profoundly sorry and will have to start again. Hopefully, it won't take more than a week to reprint and resend so we can get them out to you ASAP.

As soon as I have more news, I shall put it up here and on the blog.

I'm truly, truly sorry about this.

Rob, Nellie and I are as pissed off and as disappointed as you are, but we've been dealt a total pain in the arse left hander out of the blue. These things do happen I guess. Rest assured though, we're working on sorting things out as quickly as we humanly can. Thank you for your patience and understanding in advance.

Sincerely, Jem x


LOL - It's incredible isn't it...even the CD makers are killing the CD as a format!!  :D

It'll sting a bit to have to wait but it will be worth the wait!!  :)

I'm just sorry it's happening to you and the loverly Nells (who will be without her dining room for another week or so!).
"Putting food on the table is more important than 7/8"


Don't worry, Jem. I'm patient. I might get the new Spock's in the meantime, so all will be great in the end.  8-)
Keep prog alive - see it live!

Meine Musikliste


Don't worry Jem. SH*T HAPPENS!!  :evil:
Maybe I've to check first the new DVD of KANSAS :P But It would be great that these things happens before the delivery, or not? ;)


Not to worry Jem I don't think your the first band this has happened too and probably won't be the last, anyway I will wait patiently and with a bit of good timing it might arrive on my birthday :D


Ah well, worse things happen at sea, as they say! Seriously, don't feel bad Jem, it was out of your control as you said. Besides, we're a patient lot  :)


Bummer for all involved, but I don't think anyone's going to be grumpy about it. :)

Collector's item, anyone?


TBH I'm more concerned about it messing Nellie about. I can wait another month if needs be. So long as everyone else has to as well, of course.... ;)
* May contain nuts.


Yup, shit happens. Am so looking forward to hearing this but hey I'm happy to wait as long as it takes.

Er, how much for one of the duff ones? :lol:



Wasn't the Philadelphia Experiment the one where they made something move from one place to another?   :?

Commiserations to Nells - don't worry, all good things come to those who wait, and we can.
I am out of the office. Messages can be left with Mr. C Lyons on 020 7722 3333


Dear Mr Jem...please don't worry your little self. We like you happy and smiley  :)


That's a shame, I've been waiting for this one. But I'll wait a little longer.

Hey, to cheer you up; Remember a prog band from New York who released a live album on 9/11/2001 with a picture of the NY skyline on fire?  :o


As eager as I am for this package to arrive I completely understand the circumstances Jem.
I have no problem having to wait another week if it means things being done right  ;)

We're behind you,Nellie and Rob on this 110%!!!!


Quote from: "E.S."Hey, to cheer you up; Remember a prog band from New York who released a live album on 9/11/2001 with a picture of the NY skyline on fire?  :o

SERIOUSLY?!? Who was that?


Quote from: "Jem"
Quote from: "E.S."Hey, to cheer you up; Remember a prog band from New York who released a live album on 9/11/2001 with a picture of the NY skyline on fire?  :o

SERIOUSLY?!? Who was that?

Obviously this version was recalled, but good grief, imagine being Portnoy on that day!  :shock: