Snowmans Son, "Original" by Me

Started by Jim Takacs, June 22, 2010, 03:04:12 AM

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Jim Takacs

Well, in reality I should Call it sort of a Tribute since I Copied, Sort of, the beginning! I am planning on a real song thats a real "Snowmans Son"  A little over Half way through it changes. That may be my direction for a true Original. Who Knows. Either way this was actually fun to do. I litterally threw this together in a few hours Yesterday, Sun June 20th. I Sequenced it on a Kurzweil K2600X which BTW is having issues. You WILL hear the How its almost Choking. Its not quantising properly the parts I actually wanted quantized so I kinda winged it! Gear Used in this is Mostly out of the K2600, Some V-Synth, acoustic drums are from a MotifES rack, and some EMU Vintage Pro module! NO COMPUTERS!! Which is actually the Problem as of late! :cry:   Please Comment. Tear it up, Hang me out to Dry, Im Not trying to make friends, Well thats not entirely true! :D
Ive added some comments on the Waveform line that kinda explain what each part represents.
Oh Yeah, this is just a Direct out of My Mackie LM32 mixer. i Will track it properly if i do anything with it!
::I Like Cheese::


Jim Takacs

Quote from: "davejd"I'm liking this, nicely done!
Thanks You Sir!  Im Ripping it apart tomorrow. This was just a Rough idea literally thrown together in a few hours in hopes on getting some replies if I should even attempt this idea :( , but I understand This is not the Most traveled forum on the interwebs! Gotta get the slop out of the slop!
::I Like Cheese::