Question For Jem About Milliontown ending!

Started by Jim Takacs, June 02, 2010, 02:42:27 AM

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I've had an idea for this little bit which has been unravelling itself bit by bit over the last few days. I think I know what I could do with it.

Now I have a MIDI file. Ho ho ho.  8-)  :twisted:

Dave M

Do you envisage any vocals on this ? If so, would be delighted to help out  :D
... it was like watching a peach jelly f##k a steel drum ..  


Apparently there are people who envisage vocals, I haven't envisaged any...apart from "like the dust, that yada, yada, yada...." (those are the exact words, right?) ;)
"Putting food on the table is more important than 7/8"


Quote from: "gav"Hmmm, any chance of sharing this snippet? :D

I'll deffo upload it ASAP - it's 90% there but as Pedders says I'd rather chuck it at the forum when it's totally sorted. I was waiting for an ace guitarist mate to put down a killer solo in the middle bit, but this never happened, so it looks like I've got to go in widdly mode.  :shock:

'Course it hasn't helped that my trusty and rusty old Powerbook ran out of steam and croaked under the weight of all the tracks - even after bouncing a load of 'em down and freezing the instruments it still coughs and splutters a bit. I think its about time I went Intel. They can't touch you for it, you know.... ;)


Is that a Logic project? I have a guitar and time-stretching magic of Logic 9, so I could fake a solo.


Quote from: "Drarok"Is that a Logic project? I have a guitar and time-stretching magic of Logic 9, so I could fake a solo.
It is indeedy a Logic 8 choon. Had a little play with the track yesterday after doing a full software reinstall, and a clearout of all the crap residing in my Powerbook and all is well with the world again. Track count up to normal, no stuttering - jobs a good 'un!

I'll see how much time I have this week before I go on my holidays on Friday,  but I'd be honoured if you could sort out the solo. If you PM me your email addy I'll see if I can get something over to you over the next coupla weeks (don't rush me - it's only taken me 3 years to get this far!! ;) )

(Sorry Pedders for unwittingly piggybacking on your collab conversation - It's too good an idea to languish, what with all these talented Frost*ies you've got at your disposal )  :D


No worries at all mate. It'll be cool to get your Other Me 'born' after all this time!
I've been distracted with my Milliontown thingy anyway. ;)
"Putting food on the table is more important than 7/8"