Summers End day tickets now on sale

Started by Lambsie, July 04, 2010, 11:57:23 PM

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Hi All

Just a quick note to let you know that Summers End day tickets are now available from

All-inclusive prices:

Friday evening £17.50
Saturday and Sunday £28.50 each.

See you there!


Saw your tweet and purchased straight away :D


Been trawling the Summersend site and despite claims, there is no link for the single day tickets . . . unless you know any better.
If you do, feel free to share as I am getting a little frustrated


Quote from: "Bopman"Been trawling the Summersend site and despite claims, there is no link for the single day tickets . . . unless you know any better.
If you do, feel free to share as I am getting a little frustrated

Try pressing Ctrl+F5 on the tickets page to flush your cache.


Ordered mine.
Wing commander Archie Ginger Caruthers Conner will be reporting for duty on the Friday night and will be taking the Spit up if the jerries show their faces during the show.
Tally Ho Chaps
Bandits 11 O\'Clock High
Throttle to boost, im going in!


Try pressing Ctrl+F5 on the tickets page to flush your cache.[/quote]

Flamadiddle you are an absolute star.
Two tickets purchased, so I am ready to go


Mooncat is booked and ready to fly!!!!
One of the brave Defenders of the Realm - Lydney, October 2010
Statistically, 6 out of 7 dwarfs are not happy

Big Black Shed

Broadsword calling Danny-Boy...........

Now there's an idea!

The Wingman and I are fueled and ready to go. Chocks away.....
It's not the winning or even taking part. It's the arsing about that counts.


Getting my kit together as we speak. Flying helmet, check. Flying jacket, check. Goggles and oxygen mask, check, amusing comedy white scarf with wire in it, check. Amusing handlebar moustache, check.
Now whats the missus to wear?
Tally Ho Chaps
Bandits 11 O\'Clock High
Throttle to boost, im going in!


Had thought of mentioning this before, but Fogeyspasm has well and truly got my though bubbles going - are we doinga Frostie* fancy fress for 'The Defence of The Realm'???????

MIght look slightly odd, and I'm not sure what Lydney would make of a bunch of WW2 attired prog fans (especially any germans........................) but it might be a bit a lark, eh???
One of the brave Defenders of the Realm - Lydney, October 2010
Statistically, 6 out of 7 dwarfs are not happy


Jem did say to bring a gas mask, but I'm going for the full thing. I've even got military Mr. Prog designs on the drawing board.


QuoteJem did say to bring a gas mask................

but is taht as he has some pre-Summer's End beer and curry shenanigans planned, and it's just safer that way !!!!! ;)
One of the brave Defenders of the Realm - Lydney, October 2010
Statistically, 6 out of 7 dwarfs are not happy


There was fake beards on some of the ladies at the previous esoteric evening as it was supposed to be gentlemen only. Im going for the Battle of Britain pilot look and it was mouse who first suggested dressing to suit the occasion. I thought it a bloo*y damn fine idea!
Not sure how im gonna stand the heat of a full gig with a sheepskin flying helmet and jacket on though!
Tally Ho Chaps
Bandits 11 O\'Clock High
Throttle to boost, im going in!