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Nice! (new blog post)

Started by gr8gonzo, June 29, 2010, 01:30:23 AM

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LMAO! You lot!... :D

Dec's having a Frost-rest. Destroy All Monsters is, I think, the start of great great things for Dec. We spoke earlier this week and he's already several tracks into the next album. I was gobsmacked! I wish I had that kind of stamina!

Seriously though, as you will know from his fine contribution to TDL, he's still very much a mighty voice to be heard in the Frostiverse so the door is never locked, put it that way.  :D

Quote from: "Dave M"It reads like Jem's interest in getting Frost back out there has become reinvigorated (hoosah!)..the effect of Craig joining?

In a word - absof****inglutely.  :lol: Drummers are cool. :D

Quote from: "Dodie"I'm hoping for a third album that takes a third direction (but perhaps with a bit more of the Tony Banks-ish keyboard techniques, lyrically phrased instrumental sections, and uplifting vibe of Milliontown)

There'll certainly be the intention of that in there, yes. Milliontown was "up" and shiny, EIMA was deliberately dark and keyboard-lite. The latter won us a whole new younger, non prog audience, especially in the USA which was very important. It got us the attention of bands like Dream Theater and Porcupine Tree. F*3 will put the keys and sound design firmly back in the spotlight, but hopefully still keep that younger audience whilst re-igniting the original Milliontown audience. The aim is to sell more records than the last two combined thus assuring the future of the band. This is make or break time basically. But in a good way.  :D


Quote from: "Jem"There'll certainly be the intention of that in there, yes. Milliontown was "up" and shiny, EIMA was deliberately dark and keyboard-lite. The latter won us a whole new younger, non prog audience, especially in the USA which was very important. It got us the attention of bands like Dream Theater and Porcupine Tree. F*3 will put the keys and sound design firmly back in the spotlight, but hopefully still keep that younger audience whilst re-igniting the original Milliontown audience. The aim is to sell more records than the last two combined thus assuring the future of the band. This is make or break time basically. But in a good way.  :D

Do you think that if you kept radically changing tack from album to album that it would be difficult to retain a core audience?
Not a rhetorical question, you obviously know more about this stuff than I...


It sounds like F*3 will be a sort of middle ground, hopefully retaining many of the EIMA fans, while reclaiming MTown fans. Kind of like what would happen if Fish and Steve Hogarth both sang on the next Marillion album.
...and I can feel the world is turning...turn around


i've sang for years, i'll be airing my dulcet tones live with the guys


Quote from: "Blunders73"i've sang for years, i'll be airing my dulcet tones live with the guys
Can you do the nut-crunchingly high stuff? :)
"Putting food on the table is more important than 7/8"



Quote from: "gareth"Do you think that if you kept radically changing tack from album to album that it would be difficult to retain a core audience?
Not a rhetorical question, you obviously know more about this stuff than I...

I think if you didn't change because you were afraid of losing an audience you're effectively writing songs to keep the fans happy and that's never a good idea. That said, just changing tack for the sake of it would be equally counterproductive. I think successive albums tend to be responses to what went before it. I listened to Milliontown and went "Gah! Too flowery and fiddly" so EIMA was darker and simpler. I listen now to EIMA and go "Gah! Too serious" so this next one will be a response to that.


cool.  love EIMA, can't live without Milliontown.

but what about Fanfare?  are we going to be able to get it at some point without the magazine?

Nick The Newbie

I'm seriously jonesing for the new album over here. I'm really excited to hear things more in the style of milliontown. Why does 2011 have to be so far off? C'MON C'MON YOU'RE A LION!


Quote from: "Blunders73"i've sang for years, i'll be airing my dulcet tones live with the guys

That really gets me.
Just how can it be possible to sing and play drums at the same time?
That's got to be about 1000000 times worse than simul-headpat+stomach-rubbing.  :shock:

I can scarcely even say "hello" while I'm playing the drums.  (But then again I'm not exactly a great drummer)  :cry:
When the future\'s looking dark, we\'re the ones who have to shine...


Quote from: "Tricky"Just how can it be possible to sing and play drums at the same time?
That's got to be about 1000000 times worse than simul-headpat+stomach-rubbing.  :shock:

Nah, so long as the rhythm of what you're singing isn't counter to what you're playing, it's only about 100 times as hard. And easily achievable once you've got your muscle-memory programmed with what you should be playing. I've been doing it with cheesey rock covers for donkeys' years.
Of course, in the case of anything to do with Frost* you can multiply that by at least 10,000  :shock:

However, a fella as talented as Blunders can probably play drums, sing AND simul-headpat+stomach-rub. Whilst eating a hob-nob.
* May contain nuts.


That's interesting – I must have my brain wired differently to Tricky.

I can drum and talk. I wouldn't claim to be able to sing at the best of times, but thankfully without a mic, nobody can hear me singing along at the back. I don't find it difficult at all (unless there's a particularly complex bit I need to play)...


I can play guitar at a reasonable level, but I cannot sing and play guitar at the same time. Like... At all!!!

I've never understood those that can do it, especially when they're playing some really complicated bit of guitar work and singing a totally different rhythm to what's being strummed/picked. :shock:  :shock:  :shock:


I wonder if this is an indication that you're more a 'natural' drummer?
"Putting food on the table is more important than 7/8"


Quote from: "E.S."Oh my God(frey)!  :shock:
This made me very excited. Jem's own radio show.. 1976.. new album... *brain overload*.

I'd just like to point out how much I enjoy reading your posts while looking at your avatar picture  :D

DannySoisSage EIMA was keyboard LITE?!

I'm not sure I will be able to cope with F*3  :mrgreen: