Mike Portnoy quits Dream Theater

Started by XeRocks81, September 09, 2010, 03:15:30 AM

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Quote from: "owen"He can't have more side projects than Mr Mitchell, though :?:

NO ONE has more side projects that the Mitch.  :lol:


On the plus side, I bet the road crew are delighted, not having to lug his planet sized kit all over the world anymore.  :twisted:  :lol:  :lol:[/quote]

They're the ultimate Spinal Tap band: a drummer with 3 kick drums, a guitarist with 7 strings (does he still) and Rudess on an iPhone :!:


I just heard this on the man's own forum. I never ever thought I'd see the day this happened. I want to hear from the other guys in the band now, I have a sneaking suspicion that Avenged Sevenfold's number one album had a lot to do with this too.


That said, actually, I haven't been hugely impressed with the direction Mike seems to have dragged DT in for the last few years, (though I thought Black Clouds was a step back in the right direction), so if they do continue I hope that they do something different with the sound.


Quote from: "Phrog"I just heard this on the man's own forum. I never ever thought I'd see the day this happened. I want to hear from the other guys in the band now

From DT's website:

To all of our loyal fans and friends: It is with profound sadness -- regret -- we announce that Mike Portnoy, our lifelong drummer and friend, has decided to leave Dream Theater. Mike's stature in the band has meant the world to all of us professionally, musically, and personally over the years. There is no dispute: Mike has been a major force within this band.

While it is true that Mike is choosing to pursue other ventures and challenges, we can assure you that Dream Theater will continue to move forward with the same intensity -- and in the same musical tradition -- that you have all helped make so successful, and which is truly gratifying to us.

Fans and friends: File this episode under "Black Clouds and Silver Linings." As planned, we begin recording our newest album in January 2011, and we'll follow that with a full-on world tour. "The Spirit Carries On."

All of us in Dream Theater wholeheartedly wish Mike the best on his musical journey. We have had a long and meaningful career together. It is our true hope that he finds all he is looking for, and that he achieves the happiness he deserves. He will be missed.

QuoteI have a sneaking suspicion that Avenged Sevenfold's number one album had a lot to do with this too.

From MP's Facebook:

I BEG of the fans to please NOT hold A7X responsible for MY decision...they are just as shocked as you guys..I had been contemplating this and desiring a "break" (not split) as long ago as last year...everything else is fully explained in the press release...thank you all for your support and understanding...this is th...e hardest thing I've ever done... : (
You talk
You think you own me
You miss the point completely
These things I do they\'re not for you
I\'m sick and I\'m tired
Leave me alone...

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana. - Pedro


Cheers Gandalf, I just found that myself too. Hopefully this will allow them to break out of the fairly formulaic pattern of the last few years. As for what he said about A7X, I'm just not sure I buy it at this point in time!


All drama aside, I think it'll be very interesting to hear DT without Portnoy's influence. Sure the band will feel a bit bootleg but in the end all that matters is how the music sounds, I say.
- Andreas


I was a little surprised by this announcement. I've been a fan of them for years but.... I must say, these days, I find it more and more difficult to listen to a complete album. I've lost interest in them over the past couple of years. Yes, they still write great riffs and technical bits but to me the songs don't cut it. I struggle with a few of the Jordan Ruddess hitting the demo button on his keyboard situations (they're supposed to be funny but I think it's just makes a train wreck of the songs) I know he's an amzing player but please.. stop using the demo button in the middle of a song.  
Mike Portnoy is a great drummer but, and I mean no offence by this, a bit predictable. Some of his recent stuff is still very inventive but mostly predictable.
Now with that in mind will a new drummer bring anything new to the table.... I think we'll have to wait and see!!!
I'm more intrigued now to know who they have to replace him?!!  ;)

Will it be the turning point?!!!! As a fan of Dream Theater I hope so ;)


I'm disappointed, but at the same time I think it'll be good for the band. As others have said, the last few albums have been "more of the same." It's hard to be progressive if you don't progress. This will give DT the opportunity to reinvent themselves.

Still, it's rather disappointing that the band wasn't willing to give the guy a break. Good on him if he continues with Avenged Sevenyoko.
...and I can feel the world is turning...turn around


Following his latest activities with AS, one could have seen it coming.

Still, quite a shock. I have seen DT first in 93 and since then on every tour (except one), so I guess I can call myself a fan. I support his decision. But always sad to see an important band member leave. Same with Neal Morse...
Keep prog alive - see it live!

Meine Musikliste


I do hope the members of Marillion are catering to Pete's every need. Stop the cycle!
...and I can feel the world is turning...turn around


Quote from: "gr8gonzo"I do hope the members of Marillion are catering to Pete's every need. Stop the cycle!
Heh!  They seem to be quite happy to let him go off to various supergroups - with another one in the offing shortly!  ;)

Was quite shocked to hear about MP's departure though.  He kind of is DT to a significant degree - certainly not 'just the drummer'.  In fact, a friend of mind commented that on the next tour they'd probably have his drum riser at the front of the stage as he was on 'lead drums'.  (Actually, it was rather like that with Transatlantic earlier this year...)  As others have commented, I too have been finding less and less I liked with each DT album as it got heavier and heavier and more samey although Black Clouds was a good album.  (There again, I actually really like their most despised 'commercial' album, Falling Into Infinity...  :oops: ) Maybe the change will act as a catalyst for new ideas.

Wonder who on earth will be able fill MP's drum throne though and will the diehard fans accept them...?
Come on, you\'re a lion!


I hope I'm wrong, but...

He says DT is starting to burn him out, but like others mentioned, with all his other projects, I don't think it's DT, but the entirety of his involvements that are burning him out. I get a feeling he's going to sell out on an Avenged Sevenfold tour, and he's trying to cover this up with DT... Like I said, I hope I'm wrong.

And if that's the case, he better not think he's not going to be burned out after a world tour with Avenged, mostly if he continues with other side projects...

Personally though, I don't think I would last 25 years with a same band. I think DT fans (which include myself), have been lucky to have them for so many years. A change will do everyone good.
"The mind is like a parachute: it works best when it\'s open"... Frank Zappa

Ben Y-S

I saw this, and was actually devastated. My hero's left my favourite band, you could say I'm rather gutted.


Quote from: "Jem"I'll be fascinated to see what happens now, could it be their Gabriel leaves Genesis moment? Perhaps, they'll go all AOR on us.  :lol:  :lol:

In a bizarre surreal-Genesis way, might James Labrie turn out to unexpectedly be a good drummer?  Just the way my rather odd mind works in these situations.