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Drummy updates

Started by Blunders73, August 29, 2010, 09:34:25 AM

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Greetings all I hope you are well on this fine day, I've just returned from Portugal to a very crappy Stanstead after 2 weeks down time before the best part of three months on. I thought i'd give you a little drummy update! I've been learning the DotR gig on hols and its been hilarious bouncing emails back and forth with the guys, especially the night the "poster" landed on my email, I could hardly breathe.....!

Both sets are going really well and we're all looking forward to a nice few run thru's over the next few weeks, its REALLY difficult trying to get us all in the same place at once but we're getting there, ish

I had an out of the blue phone call from Mr Edwards last week and he seemed genuinely over the moon that I got the gig which is high praise as he's a dear old friend of mine and I kind of wanted his blessing too. He sounds very happy which was great to hear. So December looms and I think me and Jem are going to do something a bit "different" on the gigs as we both love a bit of Roland tech, so I don't think I'll be just playing drums.....

So thank you for all your words of encouragement, its a very cool little family I'm a part of here and I feel very honored that I was invited to join it. If you want to see what I'm up to, I'm on the usual social silly pointless rant sites!

Now off to a darken room to design some sounds for Roland V-drums for a few days and prepare for a little trip to Russia

Play nice everyone

Blunders x


Nice to hear things are going well - really looking forward to hearing your slant on the songs and parts!!!!
One of the brave Defenders of the Realm - Lydney, October 2010
Statistically, 6 out of 7 dwarfs are not happy


I hadn't replied because I'm jealous!  sounds like life is rawking for you, Craig!  awesome!!!