OlliR's Soundcloud project

Started by OlliR, February 02, 2011, 01:06:30 PM

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Never thought i would pull these songs out of the drawer but i guess i have to let my babies fly. I wrote pretty much all of these in a flight of inspiration after watching all the frost* reports in april 2009. Warning: not prog, except one of the songs has bars of 6/4 and 5/4 and one of the songs was inspired by the dream theater song Blind Faith, and the songs have funny finnish names. Also the songs lack vocals simply because i haven't had time to record them, something which will hopefully be remedied in the near future. And since these are work in progress versions any comments are welcome. But i hear by submit my songs to friends of frost :D.

My desparate cry for attention, //http://www.soundcloud.com/ollipr