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Mis-heard lyrics

Started by SmartUK, December 15, 2010, 11:13:56 PM

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Secret song:

"I'm fading.. into the tea"  :D


Quote from: "E.S."Secret song:

"I'm fading.. into the tea"  :D
Excellent one!  :D  :D  :D


Quote from: "David"
Quote from: "E.S."Secret song:

"I'm fading.. into the tea"  :D
Excellent one!  :D  :D  :D

Funny story- my pops heard this same one a while back when I showed him the Frost* report where Jem shows off some of the audio trickery behind that line. I was showing him for the mellotron tomfoolery, but we wound up watching the whole thing several times as Jem's such an entertaining and charismatic gent.
[size=200]WHAT HO![/size]


Quote from: "E.S."Secret song:

"I'm fading.. into the tea"  :D

We should rename it "The Lament of the Over-Dunked Biscuit".


Quote from: "catherine"
Quote from: "E.S."Secret song:
"I'm fading.. into the tea"  :D
We should rename it "The Lament of the Over-Dunked Biscuit".
Why yes. Yes, we should.
* May contain nuts.